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Author: Subject:  "words" that shit me.
A.k.a.: Peter Hill
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posted on December 10th, 2008 at 09:06 AM

Originally posted by Phil74Camper
Does anyone speak German fluently?

Yes; the Germans.

das Auto (but der Autobus).

Peter Hill
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posted on December 10th, 2008 at 11:38 AM

How about when you have the phone stuck firmly to your ear and the first words that come out of the callers mouth are " I'm just phoning you............." makes me wonder what they may have thought I would think, maybe they are standing behind me and I just think they are on the end of phone, another one is the clasic line in an advertisement to sell a car, "yellow in colour" well yellow isn't a shape is it. Bugger, I hate being so damned perfect! :rolleyes:

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posted on December 10th, 2008 at 01:15 PM

& the oldies but goodies--> VIN Number--> Vehicle identification number number

& ATM Machine--> Automatic teller machine machine

& :-)

& yeah no listen, i may have aksed this B4, butt... i really like lots of usless apostrophies & commas & full stops-n-such... sorry if it annoys anyone,,, it`s just that i like to spread my words apart so my sentences don`t flow in as one... if you know what i mean???,,,... :-)

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posted on December 10th, 2008 at 01:21 PM

Being a teacher you come across some real gems.
The problem is the influences of other "English" speaking countires. Coloqialisms appear in every new edition of dictionaries the world over. I had never heard of disoriented until I arrived in Oz some 10 years ago, I always knew disorientated as the word to use.
The one that really gets me is when someone wants to 'aks' you a question. Too American for my liking!
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posted on December 10th, 2008 at 01:49 PM

Yeah no listen Chester that sounds more like "axe" you a question,,, as in the "a" in your "aks" is pronounced as "aye",,, the correct termenoligy is pronounced "Arks" you a question
how many times do i need to correct you people??? :-) :-) :-)
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posted on December 10th, 2008 at 04:39 PM

Another is 'furtherest' when it should be 'furthest' aaaahhhhh! I know the language is always evolving but making words longer rather than shorter makes no sense.
68AutoBug Sir Isaac Walton wrote a book called 'The Compleat Angler' about 300 years ago so the word 'complete' maybe wrong now or maybe just changed so we wouldn't be like the americans.

I've just had to edit this post about 3 or 4 times because of spelling errors !!! BTW has anyone ever noticed that when an american pronounces the word 'error' or 'mirror' it suddenly becomes one syllable.
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posted on December 10th, 2008 at 07:44 PM

Originally posted by Phil74Camper
One word I can never spell correctly without looking it up is DIARRHOEA. Even now it took me 5 minutes to find it in the dictionary. At least it isn't a word I use in a VW club magazine very much.

Occasionally I have a mental block with little words - was it 'once apon a time' or 'once upon a time'?

Here's two annoying mistakes in one sentence: "I NEVER DONE NOTHING." And what about Jack Gibson's famous quote, 'played good, done strong'.

I really hate the former Apple Computer slogan - THINK DIFFERENT. Argh! It should be THINK DIFFERENTLY.

Lee you should be educating the Americans in proper English, not slipping into their lazy habits. Be proud of windscreen, mudguard, colour, harbour etc. And yes, there's no such word as 'compleat'!

Phil, you could substitute DIARRHOEA with POLITICIAN if you like. Easier to spell and gives you the same feeling in your duds every time they open their mouth. :cool:

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posted on December 10th, 2008 at 08:41 PM

My pet hate is when people type or write notes as if they are texting!
it fukn shts me hps!!!! lol.:rolleyes:
There are only 5 vowels ffs!!! USE THM!!:blush:

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posted on December 10th, 2008 at 08:45 PM

Free. You can get something free, or you can get something for nothing. You cannot get something for free.

Supposedly, not supposably.

Sought after, not sort after.

Affect and effect.

Further and farther.

And LATIN spelt in lower case.



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posted on December 10th, 2008 at 08:53 PM

Originally posted by sinecure
And LATIN spelt in lower case.


Don't get me started on bad Latin grammer!!!! 


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posted on December 10th, 2008 at 11:24 PM

Here's a test for the budding Grammar Nazis out there:

There is three errers in this sentence. Find them!

Peter Hill
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posted on December 10th, 2008 at 11:35 PM

There are three errors in this sentence, find them!



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posted on December 10th, 2008 at 11:38 PM

There are two errors in this sentence? :lol:
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posted on December 11th, 2008 at 04:18 AM 
Well thanks a lot Fahrvergnugen cost me about 3/4 of an hour following all the links on that one, now I'm late for work, bloody funny though, good to start the day off with a giggle, even better with a belly laugh.
Reckon you got it Simon, tricky one that.

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posted on December 11th, 2008 at 04:00 PM

Originally posted by trickysimon
There are two errors in this sentence? :lol:

Intelligent people spoil everything.

Peter Hill
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posted on December 11th, 2008 at 07:39 PM

you know what i hate... 'SAME DIFF'... i hear people using this as a comeback and i just want to go over to them slap their face and tell them they are antonyms!!!!! and then calling them a YESNO!!

my 2 bob worth.....

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posted on December 11th, 2008 at 09:34 PM

Baja Burley,,, yeah no i know what you`re saying but can i arks you this? should it be "6 of one & half a dozen of the other",,, because it`s the "same-diff"

i just swaped the crown wheel & pinion & of course it is another centre :-)
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posted on December 13th, 2008 at 02:04 PM

Originally posted by IN2VWS word often misused, that frustrates me, is 'restored'.

Restored - To bring back to an original condition.

A customised car, is not a restored car........
An example would be, a split screen kombi, that is lowered, has had an IRS conversion, painted a metallic colour and has velour seats, is not restored.
Or a beetle with a narrowed front beam and slammed, is also not restored.

Just my 2c worth.....

Fair enough, but what word would you use? These cars have often been repaired and brought back from a poor state (eg rust, dents, worn out mechanicals) so they are kind of restored in that sense. Mybe 'rebuilt'?

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posted on December 13th, 2008 at 10:50 PM

Things which bug me:
Unique - defined as "radically distinctive and without equal" but I have seen it written "very unique", "really unique", "one of the uniquest". Something is either unique or it isn't!!!
"To all intensive purposes" should be "to all intents and purposes".
"NOS" - I won't go there, suffice to say this is often mis-used deliberately for dishonest personal gain.
"Rarest of the rare" - I don't care, if they only made 8 because people were clever enough to realize they were crap 50 years ago does not mean they are valuable now.
"Botanical Gardens" should be Botanic Gardens
"Essaden" - the suburb and team is Essendon, there are two "n"s!
"Straya" - Australia - three or four syllables is ok, two is not.
Letter Z is pronounced "Zed" not "Zee"
"Back to back" - should use "consecutive" if there are more than 2
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posted on December 13th, 2008 at 11:02 PM

puck u miss.. jonah :)

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posted on December 15th, 2008 at 12:02 AM

Aluminium and alloy. These are two different things, and lets not even get started on the spelling of aluminium.


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posted on December 15th, 2008 at 06:39 AM

what about nrma's latest ad campaign. "unworry".

Saw a sign yesterday that read "Does your child no scripture?"

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posted on December 15th, 2008 at 09:53 AM


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posted on December 15th, 2008 at 09:58 AM

Saw profesionaly writen sign on a shop window in Maitland "no job to small":rolleyes:

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posted on December 15th, 2008 at 10:23 AM

'profesionaly writen' ???

I also hate Beetle's, Kombi's, Type 3's, Golf's and Passat's. Maybe they don't teach apostrophe rules in school any more. NO APOSTROPHE FOR PLURALS! One Kombi, two Kombis. You only use an apostrophe in the possessive sense - such as the Kombi's engine.

I don't know where the Americans got 'aluminum' from. Someone must have made a spelling error years ago, and everyone just picked up on it and used the same (wrong) spelling. We don't have magnesum, calcum, uranum, pottasum or lithum. Hang on - we do have platinum - maybe that should be 'platinium'??

Everyone says 'particuly' nowadays. It's 'particularly'.
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posted on December 15th, 2008 at 03:02 PM

Originally posted by Phil74Camper
You only use an apostrophe in the possessive sense - such as the Kombi's engine.

And, of course, abbreviations, such as: it's needed here, isn't it?

And, of course, to indicate the plural of a word or symbol that does not normally make a plural, e.g. you have to watch your p's and q's when critcising others' grammar.


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posted on December 15th, 2008 at 08:04 PM

If you say this sentence in front of a friend or familly member a few times,,, maybe it will work ,,, maybe it won`t... try it & see what reaction you get--> Fun for the whole familly :-)

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posted on December 15th, 2008 at 08:26 PM

Don't know if it's been posted yet, or maybe you guys like it, but everything is now a 'nice bit of kit'. What does it mean? I know you can buy a kit or build a kit but what is 'a nice bit of kit' when talking about cars?

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posted on December 15th, 2008 at 08:26 PM

"I don't know where the Americans got 'aluminum' from. Someone must have made a spelling error years ago, and everyone just picked up on it and used the same (wrong) spelling. We don't have magnesum, calcum, uranum, pottasum or lithum. Hang on - we do have platinum - maybe that should be 'platinium'??"

Davy (a Pom) first called his new element 'alumium' in 1808, then changed it's name himself to 'aluminum' four years later. Americans accepted and adopted the new name, but British scientists disliked the lack of the 'ium' convention and changed it to 'aluminium' as a compromise.

Nuclear, not nuculah.


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posted on December 16th, 2008 at 07:01 AM

Oh, and no apostrophe of possession in "its". It's like her or his.
"The kombi had a fire in its engine bay." If you can replace it with her or his ("The kombi had a fire in her engine bay") then no apostrophe.

I hate apostrophes of possession in professional sign writing. I have semi-seriously considered writing a brochure on how to use apostrophes and mailing it to all the sign writers in the phone book...

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