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posted on September 28th, 2005 at 01:27 AM

Adaptor/flywheel $660.
Motor $850
ECU stock $500 or aftermarket $1000
Clutch $450

Thats about $3000 right now....
Fine, go and find used fuel pumps, radiator and thermo fans(pretty dodgy). Cut all the body yourself, weld up your own box section and supports. use gal pipe for the radiator hose from the scrap metal yard and make your own surge tank and filler and use odd lengths of pipe and a used turbo muffler for your exhaust.....The things that have been forgotton that add up to be the most are...
Fuel line.
Rubber radiator hose.
Fuel and radiator hose clamps....lots of them.
Brass fittings for all the new entry's and exits created.
Wire/fuses/weather pack terminals/heatshrink/tape and insulating pipe.
Screws/nuts/ bolts and cable ties.
Expansion Tank.
Air filter.
Soundproofing and new carpet for rear.
Senders for your gauges/new gauges.
This still hasnt even looked at plugs/timing belt/injectors/ servicing/engineering and or rear discs.
Anything else you can think of is probably there.

Jak did the ej20t pretty much as cheap as possible for $4000 including a few little upgrades such as clutch.

Hi Chris, where is the muffler, so I can make your exhaust, when do you wantt the module wired in????I am pretty busy for the next 7 days with some chick from desperate housewives, although I may be fee one night.

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posted on September 28th, 2005 at 06:10 AM

Edited as requested by a number of people.nn[ Edited on 28-9-2005 by Dasdubber ]

Pay your debts, CxxT
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posted on September 28th, 2005 at 12:04 PM

Edited as requested by a number of people.nn[ Edited on 28-9-2005 by Dasdubber ]
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posted on September 28th, 2005 at 12:07 PM

Edited as requested by a number of people.nn[ Edited on 28-9-2005 by Dasdubber ]
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posted on September 28th, 2005 at 01:07 PM

I think we had better stop this one....Its getting way out of hand....Personal attacts are not what AVD is about...Chill out guys....

We all agree, that these conversions are a blast to do, to drive and to live with...Some work at the turn of the key the first time, some require a little finese to get humming....But one thing is for sure....

Like building a HiPo aircooler (which i am doing right now!), there are so many ways to do it and everyone has an opinion....

I know something about big brakes and engine conversions, I have done and live with both, and you know what...What works here, most definately may not work there...How Jak got his done so cheap is a mark to his a skills and ability to source the right bits for the right price, What JVL has done Im sure is of equal value. We all know what Craig has done, and we all know what my brother has done, Seagull has a nasty looking trike in his shed and it sure is a work of engineering many different projects, but all of equal value....Some may cost a bucket load to build some may cost bugger all, but one thing is certain....

We all have done or are doing it....

How much it costs for you to do it or for you to pay someone else, is really not the issue...Its what you get at the end that matters, and whether you can justify the cost....If you get one of those stupid grins on your face everytime you turn the key, then I would say that you are the luckiest dude on the planet...


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posted on September 28th, 2005 at 01:27 PM

Well said humpty, unfortunately there seems to be the same problems with personal attacks in this thread as there was in the GBT thread in the drag forum. If we could all keep the personal bullshit out of it, there would be no need for the moderators to edit/delete/suspend posts or threads....thereby pissing people off who actually contribute something useful to the discussion.

I would not want to suspend an entire thread but there has been quite a few posts that will be edited unless this can get back on track. I am not one to flex the "moderator muscle" as I'm far from perfect, but I have AVD's best interests in mind and will take action to uphold such interests.

Let's stay on topic please. :grind:

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posted on September 28th, 2005 at 02:08 PM

Originally posted by Dasdubber
Well said humpty, unfortunately there seems to be the same problems with personal attacks in this thread as there was in the GBT thread in the drag forum. If we could all keep the personal bullshit out of it, there would be no need for the moderators to edit/delete/suspend posts or threads....thereby pissing people off who actually contribute something useful to the discussion.

I would not want to suspend an entire thread but there has been quite a few posts that will be edited unless this can get back on track. I am not one to flex the "moderator muscle" as I'm far from perfect, but I have AVD's best interests in mind and will take action to uphold such interests.

Let's stay on topic please. :grind:
No Probs and well said:thumbJVLRacing
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posted on September 28th, 2005 at 02:39 PM

Actually once you filter out all the bickering there is some really usefull info for those of us still umm'ing and arh'ing about doing a conversion....

So a big thanks to those that have shared a rough guide to prices and bits and pieces required....

Now if I ever get finished on rust repairs then I can start tossing up between fitting the Type 4 in the shed or flag that (as even sorting the parts to fit that comes to a suprising amount of dosh) and go a Subaru motor.


......random gibberish for today.......
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posted on September 28th, 2005 at 04:33 PM

the bickering helped in drawing out the info :yes:

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posted on September 28th, 2005 at 04:51 PM

hehe! Your a funny bugger Craig....

FUCH your early! 
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posted on September 28th, 2005 at 09:31 PM

Edited as requested by a number of people.nn[ Edited on 28-9-2005 by Dasdubber ]

"stoopid is stronger than axles" 
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posted on September 28th, 2005 at 10:19 PM

Well it seems I was not the only one who the bickering and comments made in this thread did nothing to further AVD member's understanding, nor gain knowledge of such a suby conversion.

I have had a number of requests to delete the offending threads so I have edited out the crap and left everything that is relevant. I would like to think such moderation would not be necessary in the future but I guess humans will be humans, lets just try and stay on track please.

JVL and VWCOOL - I don't know what issues you have but please conduct them via U2U or email, or better yet phone to sort it out rather than using AVD threads for such slanging matches.

If anyone is upset about how this thread has been moderated please U2U me as I take responsibilities for my actions as a moderator....just make sure you have a good reason why you think such comments should have stayed.

Kind regards

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posted on September 28th, 2005 at 10:27 PM

I have read this post with interest. The more Subie powered VW's on the road the better.

Although I try to avoid commenting on anything which has to do directly with my business or costings I am going to make an exception in this case to clarify a few things.

Firstly you CAN NOT COMPARE a shop done conversion and a home / owner job. The main reaosn for this is unless you are one dodgy ass shop you will not cut the same corners that owners will do. By this I mean using 2nd hand radiators, thermo's etc. So straight away that adds to the cost.

I was involved in Wes's V6 conversion which was one of the first net published fully priced converions. Yes it was done on the cheap as posted but we used a lot of 2nd hand stuff and made even more of it ourselves. That costing did not include the 3 weeks of our lives at 5 - 6 days a week and 8 or so hours a day.

When I first did up the costing for a Drive in / Drive out Ej conversions it was going to be $6600 ... I was wrong.

EJ 22 Half Cut $2,200.00
Adapter $660.00
228 mm Clutch Kit $350.00
Modified EJ loom $330.00
VDO Temp Guage $55.00
4m of EFI fuel hose $88.00
6 m of water hose $330.00
15 HP Clamps $70.00
16 " Thermo $330.00
EFI Fuel Pump $200.00
Engine warning light $5.50
Vdo tempsender $18.00
VDO VSS Sender $185.00
Radiator $440.00
Cross Member / Sub frame $250.00
Shortened sump $440.00
Invert Manifold / gaskets $120.00
Accelerator cabel / brackets $88.00
Air Cleaner $44.00
Air Cleaner bracket $22.00
Air cleaner piping $80.00
Cam Belt $165.00
rear main seal $35.00
Engineering Approvals $165.00

Total $6670.50

This doesn't include a lot of small stuff like fuel filters, nuts and bolts, sealant, cutting blades, welding wire, paint, sheet metal, and any upgardes that are required such as brakes, seat belts, wipers, demister etc etc . Also prices are a mix between retail and trade. Also don't forget that nothing in life is free and even the rolls of electrical tape and connectors must be costed as someone pays for them.

Then when you add in labour costs, insurance, rent, and other over heads and don't foget my favourite which is the warranty, you begin to see how shops end up with costings way above $3000.

I am not saying you can't do one for under $3000 but I am saying if you think you can do it easy you are kidding. If you actually cost it our properly then you will be over $4000 before you even have most of the parts.

Our drive in / drive out deals are $8800 and also include, new water pump, leads, plugs, cam belt, oil seals and a heap of other stuff we put in to make sure that then engine gives years of hassle free motoring.

Anyway as I said the more on the road the better, but I think people should be well aware of the actual costs and not those cost people throw up to make themselves look like guru conversion guys....

On a side if anyone wants to do them for under $5000 I will happily send them some cars. That is as long as they give a warranty and don't use junk yard stuff with a limited life expectancy.

Why copy when you can own an original ?
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posted on September 28th, 2005 at 10:45 PM

Thanks for your honest input Brad, doesn't get much clearer than that !!!:thumb

nn[ Edited on 28-9-2005 by Craig Torrens ]

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posted on September 29th, 2005 at 02:55 PM

What he said.....Totally agree with everything you said Brad....Everything costs...Its just down to how much you want to spend to get the smile you want!
My SVX conversion was done on the cheap and it cost me around $5K all up, with me doing all the fabrication....I didn't have the added cost of fabricating a coolant system as my Bus is a Wedgie.....Still I feel it was good value, as they are lovely bus' to drive and it has power to spare, will reasonably economical, compared to the standard WBX engine..... When you compare this conversion to the Turbo 1915 Im building for my bug....Its makes good economic sense...The engine alone for my bug will set me back over $5K...And that is done on the cheap also!

FUCH your early! 
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posted on September 30th, 2005 at 11:02 PM

Mine has cost me about 10k I reckon, but then the EJ25 motor and ECU was $3750 to begin with. WRX motors were $5K at the time.

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posted on October 1st, 2005 at 06:20 AM

im building a kickass site right now with my entire conversion. it will walk you through how i did the conversion, and include costs. If theres a will theres a way, and you can do this conversion for cheap if you plan things out right.


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posted on October 1st, 2005 at 02:42 PM

I reckon my cost will be about $7500 but then I paid $4500 for my engine, imported some parts and have had to pay for a couple of the bits and pieces twice as with those I have been working on the trial and error method.
I will do a definate cost summary when I have finished.
Ah when I have finished..........
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posted on October 2nd, 2005 at 08:08 AM

Ok so I have read most of this and it is another "how long is a pice of string" thread. Yeh you can do a cheap conversion using second hand motor (my choice to get my buggy on the road to sort it out) or you can build a killer set up costing a heap. Believe me HP is expensive as I have just done a costing on a new ej25 all the gear and it is coming in at around $10000 in parts. All brand new bits though. And that is through people who can get them at cost price.
I guess it all depends on how deep your pockets are and how much work you can do yourself. Just remember any work you do yourself has no warrenty so sometime the shop option is a good way to go.

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posted on October 2nd, 2005 at 10:25 PM 
check it out

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posted on October 12th, 2005 at 09:01 PM

$4500 needs to sell
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posted on October 12th, 2005 at 09:34 PM

Good info Brad. Now my $500 bet (since deleted from thread) that a quality conversion couldn't be done for $3000 doesn't look so much like a 'slanging match' anymore.

I too did the sums on parts and labour, have done a conversion and stand by my word - as do you Brad.

Whatever... I'm surprised that after all the discussion and with all the info from various people on this thread that someone hasn't snapped this unfinished project up

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posted on October 12th, 2005 at 09:38 PM

mabye you should snap it up glen would look good at your house
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posted on October 12th, 2005 at 10:27 PM

Originally posted by IN THE WEEDS
mabye you should snap it up glen would look good at your house
Speaking to Matt the other day,he said what you have done is a geat job and little work to go....Sell it to bloke that knows whats hes doing because thers alot of PRETENDERS out there still trying to get it right. Goodluck with the sale:thumbJVLRacing

[ Edited on 12/10/2005 by jvl054 ]
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