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[ Total Views: 3848 | Total Replies: 1 | Thread Id: 100022 ]
Subject: Ivory Shift knob 7, 10, or 12mm Bug - Bus - Type 3 - K. Ghia - Vintage Speed
Commited Dubber
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posted on December 6th, 2012 at 07:49 AM
Ivory Shift knob 7, 10, or 12mm Bug - Bus - Type 3 - K. Ghia - Vintage Speed
Vintage Speed Ivory Shift knob 7, 10, or 12mm Bug - Bus - Type 3 - K. Ghia
Ivory Shift knob - Bug - Bus - Type 3 - K. Ghia
Another top quality product from our friends at Vintage Speed "The ACE of aircooled"
Price $17.00
Please specify which of the 3 sizes you require
Cost is specific to your location
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Wolfsburg Elder
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posted on December 6th, 2012 at 09:55 PM
beautiful and nice price
want any vw bits old but like me, Made in Germany!!!