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    [ Total Views: 3952 | Total Replies: 1 | Thread Id: 100024 ]
    Author: Subject:  Dehne Digital fuel gauge - Vintage Speed
    Commited Dubber

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    posted on December 6th, 2012 at 10:12 AM
    Dehne Digital fuel gauge - Vintage Speed

    Dehne Digital fuel gauge - Vintage Speed

    As an entity the "Dehne Company" has long since vanished. Buts its simplistic and much revered innovation lives on. Introducing the new, rejuvenated 21st century face of this renowned device! Our "Dehne" digital fuel gauge is machined from 6061 aluminum, compatible with both 6 and 12 volt applications, as well as with Karmann Ghia and Pre '73 Type 2 tubed tank sending units and Type 1 level style electric fuel sending unit. Give your classic or dubbed machine a hint of modernity while still retaining its "Bug" integrity.

    Sending unit option :
    1. Beetle from 1950~1960, 11" long VDO sending unit : 224-055
    2. Standard Beetle from 1961~1977: Electric Type 1 level style fuel sending.
    3. Split window BUS and Karmann Ghia tube style electric fuel sending unit.
    4. 1968~1973 Type 2 BUS Tube style electric fuel sending unit.

    Another top quality product from our friends at Vintage Speed "The ACE of aircooled"

    Look on this site for other accessory options for this - Dehne Digital fuel gauge

    Price $145.00

    Cost is specific to your location

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    Wolfsburg Wizard


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    posted on December 6th, 2012 at 10:20 AM

    Got an original one in my oval, love it :cool:

    May '55 Oval

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