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[ Total Views: 492 | Total Replies: 0 | Thread Id: 103843 ]
Author: Subject:  Help Needed Please - wanted to Hire Beetle convertible -- VICTORIA
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yes.gif posted on October 20th, 2013 at 09:40 PM
Help Needed Please - wanted to Hire Beetle convertible -- VICTORIA

I am hoping someone can help me or at least point me in the right direction. I have googled etc and can't find anyone in Melbourne that offer VW (old bug style) driving 'experiences'. I am after the experience for a gift for my daughter who has been obsessed with the cars almost since birth. Something along the lines of a two hour drive around the bay/the Dandenongs or similar.
Of course there doesn't look to be a business that specialises in this so I am hoping you may know of someone that would be willing - paid at the going rate of course.
Without being picky, my daughter's dream VW is an aqua/teal coloured convertible, so if you know anyone that fits the bill that would be perfect.

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