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[ Total Views: 557 | Total Replies: 0 | Thread Id: 107762 ]
Author: Subject:  AA Performance quality service


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posted on November 27th, 2014 at 06:31 PM
AA Performance quality service

I generally try to get my stuff local (well, from somewhere in Oz anyway, nowhere is local to me!), but for some of the more specialised bits, or for a collection of odd parts, I have gone direct since pursuit cars ran Clevo's.

I had an odd collection of bits to get, small stock bits but also a Hi-Po bit or 2 I wanted to try out, and since the parts in the sizes I wanted were all available from AA Performance in the US, I thought I would send them an email and see if they could do any better than the automatic freight charge included when I got to the checkout online (it was truly horrendous! :lol:), because the prices were excellent.

Anyway, I received a reply within hours. I asked if they could help, then the very next business day they had an outstanding quote for a small postpak of bits.

This packet of bits actually.........

BUT, I only ordered and paid for them on Thursday afternoon my time........
Last week.........
ie 7days ago.

Outstanding! :tu:

Credit where it's due.

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