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Seriously Crusin Dubber

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posted on December 17th, 2015 at 11:17 PM |
My first Bug
So I bought my first Beetle. It was an impulse buy off eBay, advertised as a '67 but later going off the chassis no. it was a '65. When I bought it
I had no clue about anyting to do with VW's. Turns out I bought a lemon, pretty much some steel held together by bog, and a lot of it! But that just
began the process of fixing it up to what I want it to be.
What I bought

What it turned out to be

Off it came

Got to work on the chassis

Drop spindles

Done with the chassis

Made this (I'm going for a rat look Beetle)

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posted on December 17th, 2015 at 11:30 PM |
I ended up finding a new body, a '64 in not too bad of a shape. Just getting started on fixing the rust on it and hopefully get it all back together
soon. I'm going for a rat look Beetle.
The fenders I will be using: I took bits to bare metal and rusted them with salt and vinegar (wasn't too tasty) and painted a few bits.

The drivers door I'll use. I picked it up for $10 pretty much to practice rust repair on the buttom but it turned out good so I rusted it up as well

Got this for a steal as well, will go good with the rest of the car

Finally got the body home to start work on it

The stuff that needs repair

So far I have done:

As it sits for now

Still have this to put into it 

It gets pricey
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posted on December 17th, 2015 at 11:46 PM |
Not much can faze you obviously, good luck with it.
Nice work so far, keep up the pictures.
Cheers, Rob.
"The best trophies are stone chips"
1969 1500 Beetle "Otis"
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posted on December 18th, 2015 at 05:33 AM |
Double WOW!!!
You have done a magic job on the floor pan,and chassis,and the body is coming along nicely (intrigued as to how you got the weld to take to the
If you weren't talented before,you certainly are now!
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posted on December 18th, 2015 at 09:48 AM |
Quote: | Originally
posted by oldskoolguy
Not much can faze you obviously, good luck with it.
Nice work so far, keep up the pictures.
Cheers, Rob.
Thanks! It was a little frustrating at first as I bought the car with the intensions of just driving it but hopefully that wont be too far away...
Quote: | Originally
posted by Shuffs
Double WOW!!!
You have done a magic job on the floor pan,and chassis,and the body is coming along nicely (intrigued as to how you got the weld to take to the
If you weren't talented before,you certainly are now!
hahah Thanks!
The coin didn't really like to be welded, the weld just kept on bubbling out but I just turned the heat up a little and welded all the way around it.
It shouldn't be going anywhere, I just couldn't be bothered making a patch and by coincidence had 10 cents in my pocket
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posted on December 18th, 2015 at 02:25 PM |
I Salute you sir
Seriously Crusin Dubber

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posted on December 18th, 2015 at 07:19 PM |
Quote: | Originally
posted by bugmaniaar
I Salute you sir
Thank you, thank you hahaha
I smoothed out the welding today, didn't turn out too badly. A skim of filler and I don't think anyone would notice.

I bought one of these wire stripping wheels for the grinder today, they do an ok job at taking off paint but wow they are dangerous. The little wire
bits like to fling off and go right in your skin, if you don't have safety glasses on it's a sure way to loose and eye!

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posted on December 18th, 2015 at 07:57 PM |
Wow, that amount of bog in that car!!
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posted on February 1st, 2016 at 08:12 PM |

Started removing these teeth that hold the interior, I don't like them and I wont be installing a full interior

Really didn't want to mess with the shape of the windscreen area with making a patch so I just filled in the hole with epoxy putty

Fitted the front lid and to fix the front apron

Fixed the rear bumper bracket as the nuts had rusted out, I just cut it at the top and down the side. Once it was cut I just pulled it down, welded
some nuts on it and welded it back closed. Need to to the same on the other side as well

The rear apron had a split so I welded it up, ready for some filler.

Finally cut open the passenger side rust area. A lot worse than the drivers side but I will fix it
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posted on February 2nd, 2016 at 06:22 AM |
Nice work!
In that last pic, see the strap (just) holding the hinge plate on? Weld in a new one now...
Just had one break on me had to cut a hole to get it back in place!
Also run a tap through the threads, then you won't break the strap in the first place (like I didn't do!)
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posted on February 2nd, 2016 at 07:04 PM |
Really interesting build story mate. I hope it turns out as you want it, you're certainly making progress.
By the way the photo quality is great, I'm sure someone now or in future could use them for some reference.
"The best trophies are stone chips"
1969 1500 Beetle "Otis"
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posted on February 26th, 2016 at 09:13 PM |
Quote: | Originally
posted by roofchop
Nice work!
In that last pic, see the strap (just) holding the hinge plate on? Weld in a new one now...
Just had one break on me had to cut a hole to get it back in place!
Also run a tap through the threads, then you won't break the strap in the first place (like I didn't do!)
Thanks I made and welded a new strap as you said, the old strap
pretty much peeled off with little force.
Quote: | Originally
posted by oldskoolguy
Really interesting build story mate. I hope it turns out as you want it, you're certainly making progress.
By the way the photo quality is great, I'm sure someone now or in future could use them for some reference.
We will see, I'm just being stubborn with myself about finishing it now. Yeah the photos are coming out nicer than I thought, I'm just using my
I have done a bit more work lately
Finished off the drivers side

Fixed the other rear bumper mount

Made an executive decision that the car will never have heating again

Filled the holes

The patch came out nicely

Just when I thought that I had taken care of all the rust on the car I started to clean up the bottom of the heater channels from old silicone and
found that there were no front four body to chassis nuts. Cut it open and found some more rust. Had a go at making something up, hopefully it will
This was on the drivers side, there was nothing on the passenger side 

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posted on March 2nd, 2016 at 10:46 PM |
Cleaned up the speedo and fuel gauge, put in new gels and bought some new globes. I was surprised that Repco actually had them. I think that the
speedo is evil...

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posted on March 3rd, 2016 at 09:20 AM |
Speedo looks sweet as!
"The best trophies are stone chips"
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posted on March 4th, 2016 at 06:30 PM |
Last time I saw Bog like that was the C pillar of my Munro and in front of the windscreen on my tonner where they made the HQ shape into the HZ
You've done a brilliant job so far and like OldsSkoolguy says, the photo's are sharp as.
Liking the heater channel blank idea, our chopped Super might end up getting the same treatment. What's the point of a heater when there's no roof
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posted on March 6th, 2016 at 02:59 PM |
Quote: | Originally
posted by wombatventures
Last time I saw Bog like that was the C pillar of my Munro and in front of the windscreen on my tonner where they made the HQ shape into the HZ
You've done a brilliant job so far and like OldsSkoolguy says, the photo's are sharp as.
Liking the heater channel blank idea, our chopped Super might end up getting the same treatment. What's the point of a heater when there's no roof
It had quite a bit. Personally I hate working with bog, it's a pain to get into shape and is a bit messy. My idea for the heater channels was that if
I seal them up and prevent any moisture from entering them then they should last a lot longer, and since I have j-tubes I won't have heat anyway.
I managed to get some more work done to it:
Finished up the rust repair and went to town with the stone guard

Sealed the front apron

Put some filler and paint on the rear apron

Also fixed the front lid, had a few rust cracks I welded up. This is the lid from the original white Beetle, funny seeing the different layers of
paint it had through the years.
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posted on November 20th, 2016 at 10:40 PM |
Done with uni and the weather is looking up, finally getting some motivation to finish the bug. Got around to putting the body on the chassis.
First time this body has been on this chassis.

Changed to oil in the engine, primed the carby and is started right up
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posted on December 8th, 2016 at 12:30 AM |
Got a few more things done.
New front brake shoes and slave cylinders, as well as new bearings and seals

Gave the fuel tank a coat of paint and a new filter. I scuffed back the top and just gave it a clear coat.

New master cylinder

Bolted the body onto the chassis

Wired up the ignition and cleaned up the wiring

Put new rubber seal kits on the doors and also installed the decklid

Dash bits installed
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posted on December 8th, 2016 at 09:56 AM |
Another one saved!
Looks good man.
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posted on December 8th, 2016 at 10:55 AM |
As bluet3 said, "I can see that It takes determination, patience, skill & plain hard work."
You are going to have a really nice car when you are finished.
Well done.
"The best trophies are stone chips"
1969 1500 Beetle "Otis"
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posted on December 8th, 2016 at 09:13 PM |
Quote: | Originally
posted by bluet3
Thanks for sharing your resto .
I can see that It takes determination, patience, skill & plain hard work. Just as well some veedubbers are up to the challenge.
Best of all you will have a great car & huge sense of achievement. Well I have to be happy if you put something back together there won't be to
many parts left over.
No problem, sharing on here also gives me a timeline of how things have progressed and looking back it also motivates me to finish. I am actually
really happy that the garage is getting cleaned up of parts that have been hanging around everywhere.
Quote: | Originally
posted by modnrod
Another one saved!
Looks good man.
Quote: | Originally
posted by oldskoolguy
As bluet3 said, "I can see that It takes determination, patience, skill & plain hard work."
You are going to have a really nice car when you are finished.
Well done.
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posted on January 12th, 2017 at 05:06 PM |
It's starting to look like a Beetle again! 

Wiring took some time, I found the easiest to use was extension cord. Has three wires in it so its perfect for headlights and tail lights. Cut, strip,
crimp, solder, heat shrink and repeat
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posted on January 12th, 2017 at 08:02 PM |
That colour scheme makes me smile
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posted on January 12th, 2017 at 08:17 PM |
credit to you for your car building skills
Well done
Futue te ipsum!!!
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posted on January 13th, 2017 at 05:52 PM |
Looking Good. I agree with Rob on the colour scheme.
Someone is bound to tell you off for using extension cord. Don't worry too much, my spotlights on my last 3 utes have been wired with it. The in tray
plug in the last 2 have been too.
If it works why worry. Its cheap coz there's always an old one laying around and the outer casing is pretty damage resistant.
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posted on January 15th, 2017 at 06:37 PM |
Quote: | Originally
posted by oldskoolguy
That colour scheme makes me smile
Yeah it's a bit different hahah
Quote: | Originally
posted by Bizarre
credit to you for your car building skills
Well done
Quote: | Originally
posted by wombatventures
Looking Good. I agree with Rob on the colour scheme.
Someone is bound to tell you off for using extension cord. Don't worry too much, my spotlights on my last 3 utes have been wired with it. The in tray
plug in the last 2 have been too.
If it works why worry. Its cheap coz there's always an old one laying around and the outer casing is pretty damage resistant.
Really? What is the reason not to use it? It is pretty much the same gauge as the original wiring and I just presumed that if it is good enough to be
used in a house it is good enough to carry 12v in my Beetle
Yeah I have an abundance of spare extension cord so will be easy to rewire in the future hahah
Today I worked on the front bumper. It has rust on the inside which I didn't want to get worse so I just cleaned it up and gave it a coat of Rust

Wired up the lh rear

And installed the lh running board. I bought new genuine VW running boards. It took longer than it needed to install since all 4 bolts broke off from
the original running board. So had to drill and tap new holes. The boards came with late trim so I will need to buy some early trim clips later on.

Front bumper installed
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posted on January 15th, 2017 at 06:53 PM |
Oh yes, the Beetle now has a face
"The best trophies are stone chips"
1969 1500 Beetle "Otis"
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posted on January 19th, 2017 at 09:33 PM |
Installed the windshield, wipers, and washer pump. I had to use a voltage dropper for the wiper motor as it is a 6v unit. I tried it with 12v straight
but is was running really fast and would probably burn out the motor pretty quickly.

All the wiring is nearly done, just the dome light and rear right brake light and signal.

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posted on January 20th, 2017 at 09:50 AM |
"The best trophies are stone chips"
1969 1500 Beetle "Otis"
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posted on January 20th, 2017 at 11:36 AM |
What a happy little Beetle this one is! Great work buddy
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