[ Total Views: 2278 | Total Replies: 4 | Thread Id: 112737 ] |
Seriously Crusin Dubber

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posted on August 27th, 2017 at 05:48 PM |
Brisbane: need to borrow tools
Hey guys,
I've pulled my engine to do some work on the heads. I need to borrow the following tools:
- engine stand
- dial indicator gauge
- valve spring compressor
Preferably Brisbane northside but open to offers. A case of your favourite beer for your troubles. I'm thinking I'll need to borrow for a maximum 3
or 4wks, but hopefully shorter.
PM me.
Many thanks in advance!
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posted on August 27th, 2017 at 05:54 PM |
you can use a socket wrench and socket ...press your body weight onto the spring downwards but have an item stopping the valve from moving with
it....2-3 times and the collet washers will drop and release
eng stand use a milk rate....
still doin a dc Jon??
bushedmechanic lol
want any vw bits old but like me, Made in Germany!!!
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posted on August 27th, 2017 at 06:36 PM |
Another couple of options- if you have a drill press sit the head on the base plate with a piece of wood sitting under the valves, cut the side out of
a piece of tubing and use the drill press to compress the springs, or using a spark plug socket with an old extension (use insulation tape on the end
you are going to hit as the chrome can shatter and make sure you use safety goggles or a shield) place the aforementioned piece of wood under the
valves and strike the extension cleanly making sure that the socket doesn't fly off as the collets will be inside it.
The i
1st option is the safest and also easiest to replace the springs when finished.
As bushed says a milk crate or a 60 litre drum.
If you own a Volkswagen just purchase the gear that you require as it will be used again, borrowing equipment is a bad idea for both parties involved.
Seriously Crusin Dubber

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posted on August 28th, 2017 at 10:40 PM |
thanks for the suggestions, but:
1) i dont own a drill press
2) "bash method" will get the retainers off. What about putting them back on?
3) the last time i needed this gear was more than 7yrs ago. The return on investment doesnt seem all there. In case of any breakages, im more than
happy arrange replacement or reimbursement
4) milk crate method... access to the underside of the engine seems less than ideal to me. I've got a stand but seem to be missing the
flywheel-to-stand adaptor
5) DC? as in Dual Cab? i have a beetle so maybe you have me confused for someone else
Seriously Crusin Dubber

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posted on August 29th, 2017 at 10:08 PM |
Cheers, Mike
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