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[ Total Views: 979 | Total Replies: 2 | Thread Id: 112884 ]
Author: Subject:  1974 VW Beetle Chassis - Great donar to build a Beach Buggy etc
A.k.a.: Sez
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posted on October 26th, 2017 at 07:51 PM
1974 VW Beetle Chassis - Great donar to build a Beach Buggy etc

For Sale is a 1974 VW Beetle Chasis - Great doner to build a Beach Buggy etc
I purchased this as a beetle with a Paraga kit on it, but took the body off with intentions of building a buggy out of it.
This is a Great Doner containing the following
- Strengthend Chasssis
- Turning Brakes (individually lock one rear wheel of oyur choice) , great for motorkhana's etc
- Rear Air suspension (not sure if working)
- Drivers Seat.
- adjustable front beam
- 4 wheel disc brakes

everything as per photos. inspections welcome to Ingleburn NSW

Asking $1200

check out gumtree ad for photos

please text or call me if interested. contact details on gumtree ad

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posted on October 27th, 2017 at 10:07 PM

I am curious, are the frame horns removed from the chassis, if they are it is effectively useless.
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posted on November 14th, 2017 at 11:58 AM

Mate, i don't think you'll get many takers for that...the engine mounting part is missing, suggest yo sell the beam, and other bits separately. ;)

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