Subject: Der Erste Freitag Friday 6th November 2020
A.k.a.: Steve Carter
Scirocco Rare
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posted on November 1st, 2020 at 09:33 AM
Der Erste Freitag Friday 6th November 2020
We can now have larger gatherings so I think it's time to go back to Harry's
So we are going to meet at Harry's and cruise to Superior Burgers. Supoerior close at 9pm so we need meet at 7.30 PM and leave to drive drive over to
Superior 7.45 PM
If anyone has suggestions for future cruises and venues please let me know, around 20 - 30 minutes drive from Harry's would be ideal.
So we are going to go to Superior Burgers again, meet at Harrys and drive to Superior Burgers at 7.45 PM or if you want you can meet us there weather
is looking good.
The car park at Superior Burgers is mostly very quiet.
So we meet at Harrys then at around 7.45 pm we then cruise to Superior Burgers at Wakeley 30 Bulls Rd, Wakeley NSW 2176. It has a big open car park and they would love to have us
Its hard to stick together in a cruise so put the address in your GPS before leaving Harrys
See you there
A.k.a.: Steve Carter
Scirocco Rare
Posts: 8638
Threads: 559
Registered: August 27th, 2002
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Location: Sydney, NSW
Theme: UltimaBB Pro Blue ( Default )
Mood: Parrot Heading
posted on November 7th, 2020 at 08:31 AM
Great turnout last night
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