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Author: Subject: Any Hospitable Veedubbers?
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posted on October 17th, 2002 at 01:03 PM
Any Hospitable Veedubbers?

I have a mate from Germany who is heading north from Melbourne in a couple of days heading for Cairns.He is travelling in the prettiest 71 Bay Panel Van you are ever going to see. The plan at the moment is to go North inland and return via the coast. Does anyone have any suggestions of things to see along the way. Any offers of hospitality will be greatly appreciated. He is in Australia till Christmas so there is plenty of time to Cruise up there and back.

[Edited on 17-10-2002 by 4WDDubnut]

[Edited on 17-10-2002 by 4WDDubnut]

[Edited on 17-10-2002 by 4WDDubnut]
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posted on October 18th, 2002 at 09:03 PM

I'd suggest he join one of the beach cruises when he gets to Brissie if they suit the timetable, its a blast!! I'm sure there's lots of other cruises that he may be able to hook up with also as he comes down the East coast.

There's a few nice little places out my way if he'd like to stop in for a couple of days. Its not the Hilton, but I do have beds and a hot shower. :) If he times it with weekends or school holidays I'd be more than happy to cruise with him. :thumb

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posted on October 18th, 2002 at 09:10 PM
german tourist

hi there, if you are passing through sydney and I am available at the time, I can offer accomodation and a fishing trip on my me on 0414.280.280
Dunebuggy (aka. Stuart)
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posted on October 19th, 2002 at 11:51 AM

My wifes shut the door on our place for a while but if he's in or passing Newcastle and want to give me a call, I can show him around some of the key sites to see, pass on some history, show him the local bush through the windows of the Dog-O-War.

Don't mind putting on a dinner, sharing a couple of lunches and taking him for a sight see of the Hunter. Will need some notice of arrival though so email me so I can pass on my details.


Rathmines, Lake Macquarie, NSW.

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