A.k.a.: Knob Jockey
Custom Title Time!
That really hurts doesnt it!
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posted on December 17th, 2003 at 06:34 PM
Thread and post order.
Just a suggestion here:
All forum threads are listed in lastest thread first basis.
This is pretty logical.
So, a long running thread, such as "Aftermarket Fuel Injection" sees a post and I am notified via email that there is another post all is
Off I go there by clicking on the hyperlink directly from my mail programme and I am taken to the very first post of the thread and I have to then
click to the last post which is, at the end of the day, only an inconvenience but is annoying and time consuming yeah. Forums by their nature, like
weblogs (Blogs) have to access an external database before they can display the content and are usually a bit slow, this is particularly so for
diallup dudes and there are a legion of us around!
In the main thread index, the links to thread there should point to the originating post.
My suggestion is that thread replies are displayed either last post first or the hyperlink in the notifying email contains the post I.D so that it
points to the actual latest post rather than the original post or subject heading which may be months old.
The same should apply in the "Todays Posts" heading as the link there also points to the original post rather than the latest post of a long
Just a bit of fiddling here would streamline the whole browsing process.
Just my 2 bobs worth tho.
What does anyone else think about that, particularly admins.?
L8tr guys
Im not a complete idiot, quite a few parts are missing....
Wolfsburg Elder
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posted on December 17th, 2003 at 07:33 PM
Look at the far right of the posts.... there's an arrow. Takes you to the last post in the thread....
A.k.a.: Knob Jockey
Custom Title Time!
That really hurts doesnt it!
Posts: 1171
Threads: 25
Registered: September 21st, 2003
Member Is Offline
Location: Huon Valley SouthernTasmania
Theme: UltimaBB Psyche Blue
Mood: Moody!
posted on December 17th, 2003 at 07:38 PM
Hmmm gotta amit I missed that one but still I reckon it would be cool if the email notification pointed to the last post rather than the thread I.D.
Just a thought.
Im not a complete idiot, quite a few parts are missing....