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[ Total Views: 1539 | Total Replies: 14 | Thread Id: 20833 ]
Author: Subject: Recalcitrant Control Panel
A.k.a.: Knob Jockey
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That really hurts doesnt it!


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posted on March 29th, 2004 at 03:59 PM
Recalcitrant Control Panel

Anybody had dramas adding an avatar l8tely?
I changed mine the other day and no matter how many times I try the image URL is not accepted by the control panel. It just wont "stick" into the form.

I type it in, I cut and paste it, hit the "Edit Profile" button all to no avail.

When I return to the control panel, nothing is in the box for the avatar URL?????

Got me knackered? Never had this drama b4...

Have I been blackballed? (Muwaaaahhhh)

Anyone in power help?


Im not a complete idiot, quite a few parts are missing....
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posted on March 29th, 2004 at 04:06 PM

At great personal risk, I've just deleted and renewed my avatar in my profile without any problem.

Tell me, what do *you* think your avatar's URL is? Post it here, then at least we'll know whether we're dealing with a proper, fully qualified, canonical URL.


Peter Hill
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posted on March 29th, 2004 at 04:42 PM\images\KestrelKC3Small.jpg 

The image URL is good its just that it wont "stick" into the form.

L8tr M8

Im not a complete idiot, quite a few parts are missing....
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posted on March 29th, 2004 at 04:45 PM

The "hints" were in my previous post. What role (if any) do you think that a backslash has in a properly-formed URL?

Try it with forward slash.


Peter Hill
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posted on March 29th, 2004 at 04:56 PM

M8 How about dropping the holier than tho attitude yeah.
I needed advice/help, not the attitude fair enough?

Yes, the backslashes appeared as that url was copied out of my webauthor (FP2002) and it happend to work in a browser so i did not question it (nor even notice it).

Bty: The avatar works now so thanks for the tip.


Im not a complete idiot, quite a few parts are missing....
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posted on March 29th, 2004 at 05:00 PM

Which part of "try it with forward slash" did you find unhelpful? Was it too oblique?

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posted on March 29th, 2004 at 05:16 PM
bloody avatar

Ok Peter, Mr Oblique. What do you make of this one that I can't get up.
I don't know s#!+ from clay, so be as holy as you like.

Sorry, you must be a registered user in order to download attachments.

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posted on March 29th, 2004 at 05:28 PM

This is an OK URL, but it's an URL to a "thread" (topic) not to an image. An image URL will look like: 
for example, which points to my avatar (note the .jpg extension, referring to a picture, could also be .gif, .jpeg or .png)

You've got to get your avatar to a place on the net where it can be referenced like mine is in the example. This might be a "free space" server or might even be here, but I'm not an admin. or moderator here, so I can't offer you any space to host it.

If you have somewhere you can place it and then reference it, you should be able to put the resulting reference into the address bar of yr. browser and it should show yr. avatar (you can test that with mine, above). Unfortunately some browsers will work even with invalid characters such as backslashes ('\') rather than forward slashes ('/"), but this is still worth testing.

All onliqueness has been deliberately removed from this post and, on review, I might have been a bit severe with tassuperveee, who is, of course, one of the forum's gentlemen.


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posted on March 29th, 2004 at 05:40 PM

As additional atonement for my sins of excess obliquity and holiness, you can set up your avatar by using the URL 

This is temporary, and will cease to work at some future date, by which time you should have found another hosting spot.


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posted on March 29th, 2004 at 05:41 PM

65busser, i dont think you can host your avatar on this forum anymore. i htink it has to be hosted elsewhere.

Simply Cruzin'...
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posted on March 29th, 2004 at 06:07 PM

Modulus, you are a legend. Thanks mate.

Is obliquity a word?

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posted on March 29th, 2004 at 06:15 PM

obliquity (o-blîk´wî-tê, e-blîk´-) noun
plural obliquities
1. The quality or condition of being oblique.
2. a. A deviation from a vertical or horizontal line, plane, position, or direction. b. The angle or extent of such a deviation.
3. a. A mental deviation or aberration. b. Immoral conduct.
4. a. Obscurity in conduct or verbal expression: "It may be that the candor of contemporary literature creates a nostalgia for indirection, obliquity and deferral" (Anatole Broyard). b. An obscure statement.
- obliq´uitous adjective

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition copyright © 1992 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version licensed from InfoSoft International, Inc. All rights reserved.

I think I am guilty of all preceding variations (but rarely on the same day).

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posted on March 29th, 2004 at 06:52 PM

For the time being, avatars are difficult to arrange here. Most ISP accounts have some web space attached - please look into using that for the time being.

A.k.a.: Knob Jockey
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posted on March 29th, 2004 at 08:26 PM

Sir Modulus, my good man
I seriously doubt that you can maintain a dignified manner and straight face behind that screen whilst referring to me as a forum "gentleman".....however, I shall take whatever sunshine that comes my way without question, graciously!

I therefore retract my acidic toned rebuke and replace it with a concilliatory tone.

Are we good now???!!!!!


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posted on March 29th, 2004 at 10:18 PM
Is onliqueness a word?

Ok how 'bout "onliqueness"? "All onliqueness has been deliberately removed from this post"
And where did you put it when you removed it?

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posted on March 29th, 2004 at 10:40 PM

A Google search for "onliqueness" returns "Did you mean: obliqueness ?", to which the answer is, well, yes, I did....

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posted on March 29th, 2004 at 10:49 PM
Google schmoogle

Was that an advanced search?

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