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[ Total Views: 864 | Total Replies: 3 | Thread Id: 23585 ]
Author: Subject: advice on vw colour schemes...
Memberlil dub
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posted on May 28th, 2004 at 01:46 PM
advice on vw colour schemes...

hey was just wondering if there is somewhere/somehow i can find out what range of colours my 1973 type 3 came in when they came out fo the factory (does that sentence make sense? you know what i mean..)
i am going to paint the t3 in about 2 months time.
am tossing up whether to just respray it white (the cheaper, easier option) or whether to be courageous and spend the money painting it an entirely different colour.
i would like to stick to something vw ---- but i like the t3s in the lighter/pastel shades (gawd i'm such a girl) but would like something original. maybe a green or a blue....
any ideas? any tips? any suggestions as to a website i could look at pics of other t3s in a multitude of colours?
thanks, and any other painting advice is gladly accepted.
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posted on May 28th, 2004 at 01:54 PM

Try this one.. 

or this USA site 

Memberlil dub
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posted on May 28th, 2004 at 02:09 PM

nice. thanks stenguns.
the bus station website is good....
so far i like marathon blue metallic, silver metallic, diamond blue, baltic blue, ruby red and elm green.
i wonder how "true" these colours are showiong on my computer screen though? the artic white looks light green to me.
has anyone experienced these colours in "real life"
and what, do i tell my sprayer guy the code and he can just mix it right?
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posted on May 28th, 2004 at 02:12 PM

Give them then code and they will mix a little bit for you..

Originally posted by lil dub
nice. thanks stenguns.
the bus station website is good....
so far i like marathon blue metallic, silver metallic, diamond blue, baltic blue, ruby red and elm green.
i wonder how "true" these colours are showiong on my computer screen though? the artic white looks light green to me.
has anyone experienced these colours in "real life"
and what, do i tell my sprayer guy the code and he can just mix it right?
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posted on May 28th, 2004 at 02:16 PM

I have a 72 Type 3 Fasty which is Antartic White, its more of a grey white then a green white
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posted on June 1st, 2004 at 08:43 PM
australian colours

where there any colours that were specefic to australia only, that is..where any sprayed here...i have been told that a colour honey brown was originally sprayed on a 70 deluxe microbus that i am looking at purchasing?

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