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Author: Subject: removing door glass
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posted on June 6th, 2004 at 11:40 AM
removing door glass

is there any special method for removing the door glass, or do you just pry open the metal around the rubber gripping the glass very carefully. want to take glass out to clean up and tint. any suggestions
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posted on June 6th, 2004 at 06:54 PM

If you are talking about the front door glass of a beetle then -
- You will need to wind the glass down fully.
- undo the two bolts for the actual window clamp which hold it to the winder regulator. That is the bit that goes up and down.
- drop the glass down that little bit further.
- take out the inner scraper by carefully levering the scraper and popping the clips
- lower the top section of the bailey channel, near where the quarter glass top is. Bailey channel is the U shaped felt the glass runs in.
- undo the screws and bolt for the triangle quarter glass vent window.
- pivot the quarter glass assenbly back at the top and draw out upwards, being careful not to scratch paint or damage outer scraper.
- lift glass out and pivot so that lower channel comes out where quarter glass was.
- it is at this point you may replace the outer scraper if you wish.

If the lower clamp is still holding good, then I do not recommend you remove it. There is a risk of breaking glass, or putting it back in the wrong spot.

assembly is reverse.

Hope this helps.

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