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Author: Subject: my Kombi pop top POPPED
Learner Dubber

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biggrin.gif posted on January 9th, 2003 at 05:05 PM
my Kombi pop top POPPED

How embarrassing !
What do I do to keep it down in a high wind ? I couldnt believe it !
Seriously Crusin Dubber


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posted on January 9th, 2003 at 08:11 PM

Mine did that to me a few weeks ago. Driving along the freeway, high winds and up she went. What's more embarrassing though, is that I just thought the loud noise was the furniture I was carrying in the back dramatically rearranging itself. It wasn't until another driver passed me, beeping and waving frantically, that I realised what had happened.

Scared the bejesus out of me! :o

Did your straps break? Mine had ripped themselves out of the screw-holes, but were still intact. It was a side-of-the-freeway repair job to screw all the little buggers back in. I guess they must have worked themselves loose over time, what with all that popping up and popping down.

My poptop has two different types of straps - one are thick rubber, and they fit into a slotted bracket, and the other are canvassy sort of fabric which clip down. The first ones seem a hell of a lot stronger.


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posted on January 9th, 2003 at 08:39 PM
flip ya lid

I think those rubber straps Angela has mentioned are not original.... my poptop only had the canvassy ones, the rubber type are available from 4wd supplies and Hoon shops and are sold as bonnet straps/clips
Angela are your rubber ones mounted on the outside? i have seen a poopy with them mounted there. although they would be more convenient in

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posted on January 10th, 2003 at 08:13 AM

My pop top has 4 straps of seat belt type material with clips. These clips consist of a roughly square piece of metal with a hole thru it. What holds it on is piece of spring steel along the edge of the hole. When new they hold very well, but over time the springs lose their springiness.

Mine tend to come lose one at a time and so checking at whenever I have a break has saved me so far.

It should be easy to replace these clips as I've seen them on other things. It's on my "gunna" list, along with a couple of hundred other things...;)
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posted on January 10th, 2003 at 11:46 AM

Factory campers just use the four little canvas-like straps on the inside to keep the roof down. They have the push-on eyes that attach to the little studs (which do break easily but can be brazed back together again). New hardware can be bought at caravan and marine shops.

It's even more embarrasing to start up and drive off without putting the roof down - which I've done several times. Hmm, what's that flapping noise??
Seriously Crusin Dubber


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posted on January 10th, 2003 at 12:06 PM

Well I feel glad I've never done THAT!!!! :P

Silver, all my straps are mounted on the inside - certainly more convenient. The rubber straps hold down heaps better, but can be a bit of a bugger to use, because you have to sort of stretch them on and off the bracket. But I feel a lot more secure with them.

On the upside, when your pop-top pops by itself, at least you know the springs are working!


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