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[ Total Views: 610 | Total Replies: 5 | Thread Id: 29530 ]
Author: Subject: lots of vw's
Wolfsburg Wizard


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posted on October 3rd, 2004 at 11:09 PM
lots of vw's

i had a tip of there was a bloke 20 k's away with some vw's
got there and this is what i found
there was about 10 more that i could not take a pic of
the old man lives in the shed and won't sell anything :(
was 2 or 3 splitty's and a shit load of others
might have to wait till he dies to have a look in there lol

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oh sgetty will you respect me in the morning

things could be worse you could live in kentucky
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posted on October 3rd, 2004 at 11:26 PM

that last line wasn't very nice hehehe

why wouldn't he sell do you know? did you talk to him?

speeding is bad!
relax - god's in charge
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posted on October 4th, 2004 at 10:41 AM

I can't see the point of letting them sit there and rust away, may aswell sell them to people who will restore them and put them back on the road ....... It is the same as people who hoard car parts, too much clutter is bad for your health !

Clean out your shed and help to put more VW's on the road!
Wolfsburg Wizard


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posted on October 4th, 2004 at 12:06 PM

yeah i was talking to him and he uses them as sheds
to put his junk in
he would easy have 20 there maybe 25 all up 
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oh sgetty will you respect me in the morning

things could be worse you could live in kentucky
Wolfsburg Wizard


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posted on October 4th, 2004 at 12:43 PM

why don't you get like 25 mates to chip in, build this guy a new shed

and each of you can take a bug home!

speeding is bad!
relax - god's in charge
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posted on October 4th, 2004 at 12:47 PM

there is a guy north of melbourne who has a property with heaps of vw's on it... and from what his neighbour says he is not against selling the stuff..

see.... air and water do mix ;)

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posted on October 4th, 2004 at 02:34 PM

the one north of Melbourne is on a back road half way between Lancefield and Woodend, the town is called Rochford, and he has dozens and dozens of beetles, a couple of T3's and about 10 kombis, some splits and some bays. Before we bought our one, we went up there and left a note telling him we were interested in buying one of his splits....He called back a couple of weeks later and was quite happy to do business with us....worth a look for anyone who's in the market.
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posted on October 4th, 2004 at 02:51 PM

yeah.... his place was just down the road from newham.

see.... air and water do mix ;)

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