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[ Total Views: 394 | Total Replies: -2 | Thread Id: 29760 ]
Author: Subject: Not VW Nippondenso Alternator wiring help needed
A.k.a.: Kim
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posted on October 8th, 2004 at 03:43 PM
Not VW Nippondenso Alternator wiring help needed

major Toyota Crown problem alternator died maybe - Nippondenso with seperate regulator when I fiddled in the dark with the 3 wire plug on it the wires came off, no plug, it had been bodged & there are only 2 wires each with it's own utilux connector, one of these has been sent to earth, the other, red goes into the harness
the terminals are marked F N & E , I got another alternator but all the cars at the wreckers had all three terminals utilised. F I know means Field, E could mean earth or excite & N means?? if I could figure which of the 3 can safely be earthed that narrows the red wire down to a 50/50/chance Any Ideas???????
the 3 original wires are white with black stripe to E blue to N & red to N

Please, I need drivers side window regulator (winder mechanism) for my '54

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