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[ Total Views: 526 | Total Replies: 1 | Thread Id: 43414 ]
Author: Subject: 1960 beetle respray
Learner Dubber


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smile.gif posted on September 3rd, 2005 at 01:57 PM
1960 beetle respray

Hi folks,

I am getting my bug resprayed later this month.
It is Teal - was this an original colour? I know it has been
sprayed this colour twice already (half-a$@ed jobs unfortunately).

Just had a look here: maybe it's called Emerald Green.

I am contemplating spraying the doors a different colour, or putting racing stripes on it (!), but don't want to deviate too far from original standard.

Any suggestions? What shouldn't I do?

thanks!nn[ Edited on 3-9-2005 by yemanji ]
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posted on September 3rd, 2005 at 04:57 PM

probably easier to do what you want... its your car.. as long as you are happy with the results that's what counts. you will get lots of suggestions of what to do/not to do and it will probably make it harder for you to decide what you want.
i would suggest a peruse through the members ride section and the pics of shows etc.. look at what others have done etc and this might help you to decide what look you want.

see.... air and water do mix ;)

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