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[ Total Views: 611 | Total Replies: 4 | Thread Id: 44298 ]
Author: Subject: Clear plastic stuff to put over paint
Compulsive Aussie Vee Dubber

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posted on September 28th, 2005 at 12:14 AM
Clear plastic stuff to put over paint

I would like to know if you can buy a clear vinyl for painted surfaces + must be ok with UV light .I am looking to put some on the MISTRESS so she dont get scratched when getting in >on.

do 3M make any thing , place to get it from or done , seagull

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posted on September 28th, 2005 at 09:01 AM

I would suggest a product from Avery, Its called 940 transparent, used in the sign industry. Go to any sign shop in your area and get them to order some in for you, its about $15 a metre at 610mm wide, that's their cost.. if they cant help, let me know, ill send you some.

this stuff will conform to subtle curves, etc, not really recommended for deep grooves etc.

this material is rated as a 7 year outdoor film, but not when applied to a horizontal surface.. you prob get 5 years out of it, that's if MISTRESS is outside in the sun all day, every day.

application made easier with a heat gun.. get the sign shop to get you in a squgee to, they are only a few bucks and would make the job easier.
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posted on September 28th, 2005 at 09:31 AM

Hope the paint is in good condition cause if the the film is high tack it might be difficult to get off without removing the paint.

Still don't quite understand why you need this protection?

Good Luck
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posted on September 28th, 2005 at 09:39 AM

good point, make sure the paint has gorne right off before application, I have wraped many late model cars with 900, (thats back before better material came out) this film comes off quite easy after a frew months, gets much harder to remove after a few years, the paint will be fine tho.
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posted on September 29th, 2005 at 08:03 AM

3M do make a product like you asked for - varying thicknesses

I once spoke to a guy from Altrek / Altrex(?) in Brookvale, NSW - they make the perspex number plate covers - and they were starting to make kits of the stuff

Don't have the number but you could try them - I think they were selling in sheet form - it is very clear and you can get it quite thick to protect headlights etc


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