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[ Total Views: 701 | Total Replies: 1 | Thread Id: 47069 ]
Author: Subject:  Type 2 Sale (+1 beetle)
Veteran Volks Folk


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posted on December 17th, 2005 at 09:23 PM
Type 2 Sale (+1 beetle)

OK.. Now that I am technically a "splitty" owner.. Albeit without engine and a hell of a lot of other things.. Would anyone like to buy a bay dual cab? I am going to need to clear a few things to devote time and finance to my new rde..
Heres what I have to clear

A 71 DC, running, registered, needs a tidy but a sweet little unit - $7000 - Location - SYD
A 75 DC, project vehicle, currently getting new metal and beefed suspension for a baja rebuild - $POA - Location - Toowoomba
A 74, Panel running, registered, new 1800 (not yet run in).. Needs some rust repair - $3000 - Location - SYD
A 76 DC, a running complete vehicle with 1.8L subie motor.. Needs rust repair and engine overhaul - $1500 - Location Melbourne
A 71 DD Panel Van, Rare double Door Van.. In need of complete resto.. $1500 - Location - SYD
A 71 DC, Major Resto..Getting hard to find (71/72 DC's).. $1000.00 - Location - SYD
A 72 DC, Major Resto..Getting hard to find (71/72 DC's).. $1000.00 - Location - SYD
A 72 Microbus Deluxe, Rear- end damage, was my daily ride and lots of $$ spent.. Not running - $700 - Location SYD
A 67 Beetle, running, registered and insured. Tidy unit but needs finishing.. 1600TP with single weber.. excellent upholstery.. Needs trim - $2500 - Location - SYD

A fully rebuilt 1916cc type 1 motor.. complete with tinware and dual weber setup, c/w balanced crank and mild cam.. Rebuilt by Dave Becker. This engine is still on it's pallet.. $4000 - Location - SYD
A 2l gearbox - 2nd hand - $450 - Location - SYD

Thanks Rob (u2u - enquiries)
Veteran Volks Folk


Posts: 2147
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Registered: March 1st, 2004
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Location: Sydney, Australia
Theme: UltimaBB Pro Blue ( Default )

posted on January 5th, 2006 at 05:47 PM

Anyone want to start the new year with a dual cab project? Theres something for everyone here..

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