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posted on January 11th, 2006 at 07:32 AM
White Kombi Nullabor Crossing
I was making the trek back from WA to stinking hot SA the other week. Just passed Boarder Village when driving past came a white kombi with a roof
rack and blue and red custom stripes up the side.
Good to see people making the trek in the VW's. I pointed it out to the wife and said "Thats why we need a kombi" I'm guessing her rolling her
eyes at me was a sign of approval! Would of made for more comfortable stops than the holden..
Tail note. Saw lots of schmick beetles running round my home town of Albany WA. Anyone on here own them?
A.k.a.: Kieran "Schmeaux" Boundy Stock-Nazi, Kombi Konquistador
Veteran Volks Folk
Baywindow Mafia Godfather and Cement-Shoe Fitter
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Registered: October 10th, 2005
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Location: Jervis Bay area, NSW... Tomerong to be precise
Theme: UltimaBB Pro Blue ( Default )
Mood: Over the moon... having difficulty breathing up here! :duh
posted on January 22nd, 2006 at 02:04 PM
I plan on taking Buttercup trekking somewhere pretty soon... havent decided where yet... then again... do i have the heart to get her dirty????