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posted on March 17th, 2006 at 08:01 AM
Mig welder wnated
Now that i have a few projects that require a few new panels i need a mig welder as the old arc welder will not do.
Does anyone have a mig welder that they no longer need. Looking for either a SIP 170amp coppermate or a CIGweld transmig 160 amp as i believe these
are pretty good and are suitable for car restoration
A.k.a.: Pete S
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posted on March 17th, 2006 at 08:32 AM
I know of two people with the SIP Coppermate and they are both very happy with them. I have actually earmarked that as the replacement unit I would
buy when I get around to replacing my 13 year old SIP150 when or if it becomes totally worn out.
You may also consider the Weldmaster170 as an option.