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Author: Subject:  tacho wiring?
A.k.a.: James
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posted on March 23rd, 2006 at 12:26 PM
tacho wiring?

I just purchased this tacho,
brand is Kyoritsu K-80B

i got little idea how to wire it.

it only has a few markings is a '+' on the bottom . The 2 bottom ones are also wired together. Then there is an L at the top with 12v. Also says the number 8042 on it, if that meants anything

Excuse the pic (taken with my phone)

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posted on March 23rd, 2006 at 12:32 PM

the marvels of paint.

My guess is that bottom is 12V top is GND and the centre is signal from coil? which side to use...who knows

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posted on March 23rd, 2006 at 04:11 PM

i'm pretty sure mine has 4 wires:
input wire from coil
and + for the illumination

the 2 wired together are proabbly the 12v ign and ill+
so it powers up and illuminates when u turn your ignition on

hope this helps
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posted on March 24th, 2006 at 12:57 AM

had a look at it with the multimeter tonight. Top 2 are connected together. My guess is that it is 'signal' and case is gnd.

only one way to find out....

cheers dub74l, got me on a role..
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posted on March 24th, 2006 at 09:13 AM

yep, one way to find out (same way that i did mine) easiest to play with 2 pos and a ground first (using a circuit check light as the ground) as you will see the needle leap across when you hook the power to the ignition imput (at least i think that's what i remember. if you are running a new wire to the ignition all the way down the car MAKE SURE IT IS WELL INSULATED! mine got too close to my exhaut, melted, and shorted the coil out when i tried to start :grind:

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posted on July 30th, 2006 at 02:25 PM

Hi all i revisited this today :) (its been sitting there for a while)

I have made progress but it is still not working properly.

The top two are for illumination (horray i can see light)

the bottom two must be for signal and gnd.

When i connect gnd and the -ive of the coil i get a reading that bouces around heaps at about 4-6k.

Is there something i am doing wrong? Is there something i am meant to put inline with it?

Cheers for any help :)



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posted on July 30th, 2006 at 03:28 PM

Gnd is most likely for ground, connect this to earth ie connect it to the car body. the other one will be signal wire from the coil (-ve or terminal 1 on the coil). The two screws on the side probably just hold the tacho together and are not electrical connections.

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posted on July 30th, 2006 at 04:18 PM

cheers T3

I have it working but its registering a huge value at idle. It bounces around (real fast) between 4 &6k.

I put the cheap tacho that came with my timing light on and it worked fine. Is there something that i possibly might need to put inline to make it work? Its an old tacho, possibly they used to wire them differently. Possibly needs to be divided by 4?



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posted on July 30th, 2006 at 04:58 PM

Hate to ask the obvious, but are you sure it's for a four cylinder? What is the difference in reading between your cheap timing tacho and the kyoritsu? Could be that your new one is for a 6 or 8 cylinder.

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posted on July 30th, 2006 at 05:52 PM

Sounds like it may be for an eight cylinder car.
Seeing it has 80B on the box.
Its strange the cylinders aren't written on it.

Many [user friendly]Tachometers have a cylinder switch on the back.
Just select what engine You have, unless You have a 5 cylinder VW transporter...
then You have problems.

I have two identical VDO tachos and one is very simple to hook up
the later one looks very complicated with many different connections.

I don't know of any way in which You can change the Tacho to 4 cylinders
You could pull it apart and see if there is a switch inside
My guess is there isn't


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posted on July 31st, 2006 at 02:35 PM

i was worried it might be for a dif number of cylinders.

I would of thought though that 8 cly would mean more pulses hence a higher reading.

so running a 8cyl tacho on a 4cyl car would end up in a really small reading??

the other option is someone on this forums sold me a dud... It allready is half an inch bigger than what it was meant to be :(
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posted on July 31st, 2006 at 05:10 PM

None of the insulated terminals is going to be ground. This just wouldn't make sense. It may need both +ve and -ve coil terminals connected, maybe for resistance/Pd? So the two currently wired together are like DUB74L said probably main power and illumination, the other two for coil.



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posted on July 31st, 2006 at 05:41 PM

well i know the top 2 are illumination, why may u ask? cause when i connect one to gnd and the other to +12 i get a pretty green light :bounce

I will try the positive and negative of the coil with the case to gnd, see if we get a difference :)

Cheers for the help guys:thumb
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posted on July 31st, 2006 at 05:43 PM

btw my cheap tacho reads about 900 at idle.

new tacho is bouces between 4k and max...very quickly.

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