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Author: Subject:  Child restraint for kombi & type 3
Son of Jim - Creator of Good
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wink.gif posted on April 24th, 2006 at 08:04 AM
Child restraint for kombi & type 3

Hi all,
My partner and I are expecting our first child in the next couple of months and are in need of the fittings/bar etc to attached a baby capsule to in a late bay or late fasty.
I've also posted in "wanted" for the bits.

Any info from people who have fitted them regarding what is needed for approval, and where to get the required bits would be much appreciated. Also any ADR's or approval numbers the bits are required to comply to would be great.

Also any info on bad capsules or ones to avoid would be great too.

Richard :thumb
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posted on April 24th, 2006 at 08:27 AM

I have a CRAB (child restrain anchoarge bar) fitted to both a kombi and a square.

They are available at any restraint place. Easy to install but they can usually do it for 50 bucks or so and you will get your little piece of paper that says it complies Australia wide.

They are easy to remove, no evidence in a square but in the kombi you'll have two holes where the main bolt goes thru inside the engine event, just put the bolt back in without the bar.

Do a search you'll find pics on here of them somewhere.
Son of Jim - Creator of Good
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posted on April 24th, 2006 at 10:11 AM

Cheers Matt.
Did not find a lot of good info in old posts, but will keep trying.
Restraint places will be my next stop if I can't find parts from some one here.

Richard :thumb
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posted on April 26th, 2006 at 12:59 PM

No one else done this and have pics or more info?
Wolfsburg Elder
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posted on April 26th, 2006 at 02:05 PM

I'll take some pics today...
A.k.a.: Michael Hutchinson
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posted on April 26th, 2006 at 02:20 PM

Originally posted by Andy
No one else done this and have pics or more info?

No,but CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just make sure your shed is ready to move into after the birth......:P:P
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posted on April 26th, 2006 at 03:56 PM

I just brought a Microbus from QLD that has the child restrant bar installed. I've taken out the bar so I can't get you an pics but I'll get the name of the company that installed the bar from the sicker which is inside the bus and let you know. It's located somewhere in Brisbane.

We have two wonderful kids, the eldest is 4 youngest being 2. The moment I sell the bar or give it away she will get pregnant and I'll be looking for another bar.

Congrates about the baby, my kids love going out in the microbus. They can't get enough of it.
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posted on April 26th, 2006 at 04:24 PM

Thanks heaps guy's, much appreciated. I certainly want "junior" to come home in the kombi :spin:

Mick, I'd love to be able to move into the shed, but there's this stupid fast back in the way........ :kiss
How's the subibuggy doin'??
Son of Jim - Creator of Good
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posted on May 15th, 2006 at 10:12 AM

Thanks for all the help guys,
got a bar + fit blue plate (QLD approval) fitted from a place in Herston for you Qld'ers. Looks great,was an easy fit and the guys there were very helpful.

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