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[ Total Views: 674 | Total Replies: 2 | Thread Id: 61869 ]
Author: Subject:  T3 Syncro Ute
Compulsive Aussie Vee Dubber
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posted on April 16th, 2007 at 08:09 PM
T3 Syncro Ute

Any ideas what a T3 Syncro Ute is worth with a dead engine? The car is a 90 model and seems in reasonable condition except for the dead motor. Has a diff lock in the rear.


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posted on April 16th, 2007 at 08:41 PM

let me know if you need an engine.
I have one in Adelaide.

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posted on April 21st, 2007 at 12:34 PM

My break down.
90 model with diff lock, blown motor...
Walk through back 2 front??? = 4-7,000 Maybe; a little more rare than thought in Aus.
No walk through about same $$ condition and start price will dictate.
Condition of diff/gearbox??
Under tray storage area rust???
Power steering??
Interior condition??
K's ??
Is motor completely screwed?? Can it be fired up??
If no then a subi conversion advised, unless engine damage is minor.. Dollars there.......
Service History, i like service history.
Is VC working??
De coupler on rear diff??
Petrol or diesel??

Lotsa variables....
The panels (no windows go any where from 1500 to 7200. YR irrelevent.
Dl version panel (all windows) 5,000 - 12,000 averages
Single cabs U find one. $$$$??????
Camper editions 6,000 - 32,000 Yr, condition, eqiupment included = the obvious.

Any pics???
Need more answers and description do make a ball park answer.
Most important question to ask is does the owner love his Syncro or is it just a car to him????

[ Edited on 21-4-2007 by Iwish4aSynchro ]

Keep the steering and the propulsion seperate . Still a Kombi...

It's all good, until it's bad, i suppose

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