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[ Total Views: 2123 | Total Replies: 2 | Thread Id: 65662 ]
Author: Subject:  Low light ...... which year?
Officially Full-On Dubber


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posted on October 19th, 2007 at 06:11 AM
Low light ...... which year?

Looking at a SC low light at the weekend and just wanted to know what years these were made and how to identify year models. Where is the VIN plate situated? Where are the usual rust spots? What parts are interchangable with other year models or Kombis? What size motors were in the low lights? And finally, are the gates very difficult to source?
Any help greatly appreciated.

Wolfsburg Wizard


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posted on October 19th, 2007 at 10:14 AM

Vin Plate should be behind drivers seat- Years 68-72.
Usual Kombi spots but lower rear floor panels must be checked- Motor is standard 1600- some parts interchangable with later bays.
Gates are hard to get but can be repaired- someone was making replicas I heard.


Originally posted by bigdave
Looking at a SC low light at the weekend and just wanted to know what years these were made and how to identify year models. Where is the VIN plate situated? Where are the usual rust spots? What parts are interchangable with other year models or Kombis? What size motors were in the low lights? And finally, are the gates very difficult to source?
Any help greatly appreciated.


Officially Full-On Dubber


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thumbup.gif posted on October 19th, 2007 at 03:42 PM

Thanks for that Warren.

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