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Author: Subject:  2443 Twin turbo street bug project, back on track again.
A.k.a.: Brennden Alder
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posted on February 21st, 2010 at 10:02 PM

So Warwick this year she should be a start up competitor??? no pressure or anything mate lol.......


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posted on February 28th, 2010 at 10:53 PM

Originally posted by Martin Taylor
the turbo is a 40/94 hybrid from the the 40/88 Garret roller bearing unit. Running 28 psi of boost generating 540 rwhp.

Martin, sounds like you've got one hell of a crazy drag bug there. Good god thats a massive turbo! Isnt that huffer rated at something like 850hp? Since your not afraid of using jap parts on your vw, im surprised you didnt consider the T88 or the HKS T51 KAI or TO4z. Ive used 8cm trust T517z's on my car.

Originally posted by Sides
Yikes... -16 supply lines, that's some serious flow you're gonna have !!! Very neat too how you've run them... more things to throw into the thinking for mine.

Its not so much about high flow as it is about having the smallest possible restriction on the suction side of the pump. -16 is the recommended size if the tank is trunk mounted in any car.

So I finally got to spend a 1/2 day on the VW today. The oil system is now finished and ive also mounted the ignition coils. I only need to source a 4 chanel coil pack ignitor and finish the ignition side wiring and the car should be ready to start.

While the oil lines are running through the car, i dont expect them to radiate too much heat as the hose material is al synthetic, not steel. Time will tell, it might end up covered with an insulation sheath if its too hot. Passenger seating comfort isnt really a priority anyway.

And at last... the engine as it looks now. Just needs plug leads and a coil pack ignitor now.

Might get some more time to work on it mid week all going well. Sourcing the parts for the right price is the issue. I want to use a coil pack ignitor from a Nissan SR20, or RB20/25/30, or VG30 as I know these work really well in this application. However the prices being asked for these 2nd hand is a fair percentage of an MSD DIS 4 (which was my original plan).

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posted on March 1st, 2010 at 09:47 PM

Cool. Not long now.
Certainly going to move volumes of oil around with those lines:yes:
That battery location still spins me out:spin:
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posted on March 3rd, 2010 at 05:55 PM

Quick update.

Finished making some HT ignition leads yesterday, and I've just sourced some bosch ignitors. So with a little wiring tomorrow the car only needs fuel and oil and in theory I should be starting it this weekend!

There will be video. I'll keep you all posted!

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posted on March 3rd, 2010 at 06:21 PM

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posted on March 3rd, 2010 at 08:34 PM

Originally posted by 2443TT

The goal is to have it finished in 5 months.


Ian Swinkels

G'day Ian, great work mate - getting to the very exciting stage now!

I've spent the last hour and a half looking back through your thread, amazing work....I can totally empathise with your statement in your first post - I think every project I've been involved with has taken three times as long as expected (or more!)

Al :)

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posted on March 4th, 2010 at 08:10 PM

LOL! 5 Months! I hope that claim was made before I decided to respray the body of the car!

I wired and installed the Bosch ignitors this afternoon. I just need to connect the 4 trigger wires from the ignitor bank to the ecu ignition output channels, and run power to the new coil loom. So the ignition system is nearly complete.

While doing this I noticed that I havent installed a voltage regulator for the alternator, so thats one of the things high on my list to track down tomorrow morning.

I also primed the 4 oil pump stages and tipped 8lt of oil into the tank. That barely made a dent. I think the oil lines and coolers are holding about 4lt. I then used a dril to run the pump and immediatly got oil pressure, 60psi on the dash gauge.

Not long now!
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posted on March 4th, 2010 at 08:13 PM

Cool, you must be excited dude.....we are!

Keep it up.

Good luck with the fire up:D.

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posted on March 4th, 2010 at 08:19 PM

enjoy the can of coke.. :)

sounds like its going to be a fun oil change...
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posted on March 6th, 2010 at 05:43 PM

Well it seems I wont have the engine running this weekend. I was all ready for startup this morning but initial cranking tests revealed the sensor ive used for crankshaft position sensoring is generating vibration based electrical noise, and as a result is causing false triggering. So im at a stand still till next week when I can replace the sensor with something else. Ah well... thats cars!
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posted on March 6th, 2010 at 11:09 PM

Bugger dude... ah well, that's life hey - as I too have found:smilegrin:

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posted on March 11th, 2010 at 05:08 PM

Another update.

I have now got new hall effect sensors on the crank and cam now, and signaling is working perfectly.

But, when I attempted to start the engine again today the engine kicked back and broke the starter motor pinion. The "interference fit" method I used to hold the starter pinion to the spline on the starter isnt holding anymore, so when the starter turns the pinion doesnt once it engages the flywheel.

I could weld it all solid but have instead opted to buy a new pinion and sort out out once and for all. So it will probably be another week before I get a chance to start it again. Joys...
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posted on March 12th, 2010 at 12:38 AM

To be expected when you modify things so much.
Keep it going it will be worth it.

looking good


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posted on March 12th, 2010 at 08:25 AM

Bummer Ian, but hey... considering the level of the rest of the car, I expect your "sort it out once and for all" will result in something close to bullet proof !!!


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posted on March 19th, 2010 at 12:04 PM

Indeed these are just small teething issues so they say. Now that the new crank and cam sensors are installed, the triggering the engine was receiving when being cranked was perfectly clean. So I hope to have that same kind of success improving the starter motor drive.

Speaking of which, the new pinion arrived from custom vee dub today. Not in time to sort out a new drive for the weekend though. Ive also purchased another toyota camry starter motor to score another pinion throw out shaft.

The plan is to machine the two shafts in such a way that they lock together. I am still undecided as to weather that will be an interference fit with welding, or if I will machine a thread onto the two parts so they lock together. The shafts are solid and about a 1/2" in diameter so coming up with a method that is strong enough to survive the torque of the shaft twisting is going to be the challange. I am also considering looking for another reduction drive type starter motor that I might be able to source another compatible throw out shaft from that will be te necessary 12mm longer.

There is one other option as well. I could tig weld the hell out of the reduction drive housing on the starter motor to modify it so that I can eliminate the adapter in the gearbox, and just bolt the starter directly into the bell housing.

Clearly I need to spend a good 1/2 day just looking at the options and taking measurements again.
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posted on March 20th, 2010 at 07:20 PM

Had some success today solving the starter motor challenge. I put in a tech support call to Dangerous Dave and he was able to spark some inspiration in me to come up with a new solution.

This is the pinion drive shaft and bearing supported carrier shaft from the reduction drive starter. The carrier shaft has a gear cut inside it that fits the gear on the end of the pinion drive shaft, so the pinion throws out when the starter is engaged. I figured if I cant reliably extend the 12mm diameter drive shaft, then why not extend the length of the whole support shaft.

So here is the end result. The support shaft has been extended about 30mm total at the end where its diameter is its largest (about 22mm). The join is just in front of the main drive gear. I machined up a thick piece of chomoly tube and jammed it into the back of the carrier shaft (18mm) with a 1 thou interference fit to a depth of about 25mm. I then welded the join and re-spun the whole lot in the lathe again.

While there is an interference fit join there, this time its twice the length of my previous effort and its welded and supported by bearings at each end. With any luck this will survive the torque that is transmitted through the shaft when cranking.

And here's a pic of the starter, ready to be put back into the car tomorrow.

As luck would have it though, I have to work tomorrow morning. Hopefully it wont turn into an all dayer and I will get another chance at starting the car.

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posted on March 21st, 2010 at 07:29 PM

Finally.... The "ITS ALIVE" post!

I bolted the starter motor in today and to my surprise it actually worked very well first go. I will likely have to adjust the meshing a little but it was engaging well enough to start the car.

It took a little to get it running, mostly due to EFI trigger configuration issues, and having flooded it, but as of about 5:30 this afternoon the engine came to life. I completed the camshaft break and made a few adjustments to try and get the idle speed down below 1500.

My ears are still ringing from the experience. The initial startup was done with the exhaust running straight out the 3" dumps. It has a very deep note too.

I had time to make this short video on my phone just before I ran out of fuel. Please excuse the crappy quality, and length. I need to get a memory card for my camera so I can take a video longer than 15 seconds. It was nearly dark too which didnt help. 

All in all im pretty happy with today's progress. There is plenty to do but now im on the home stretch. Bolting guards and rear valence panel on tomorrow so I can finish the exhaust off is a priority. It will be nice to see the 10" tyres covered wide ass fenders!

The ceramic exhaust coating is truely awesome! After doing the camshaft breakin, I could touch the back of my hand to the headers right next to the cylinder head. It felt hot but did not burn at all. The surface temp was no more than about 70 degres.

The oil system worked a treat as well. Thermostat was hot, coolers were hot. Thermofans came on as expected, and it just sat on 150 degrees the whole time. Perfect!

Thats all for today!

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posted on March 21st, 2010 at 07:34 PM

Friggin awesome dude!!!!!!!
HUGE congrats.:tu:

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posted on March 21st, 2010 at 07:47 PM

Well done! I know its a great feeling on a first start up, but yours is some strange beast,, must be awesome

Keeping it real !
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posted on March 21st, 2010 at 08:02 PM

Congratulations Ian, great to hear it finally come to life.

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posted on March 21st, 2010 at 08:13 PM

Go have a beer or five :tu:

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posted on March 21st, 2010 at 08:14 PM

What an accomplishment !!

Sounds mean :D

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posted on March 21st, 2010 at 08:35 PM


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posted on March 21st, 2010 at 08:40 PM

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posted on March 21st, 2010 at 09:56 PM

an astonishing achievement, you should be proud :)
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posted on March 21st, 2010 at 10:06 PM

Awesome news Ian !!!

Bet you can almost taste that bottle of Coke now hey...


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posted on March 21st, 2010 at 10:18 PM

Great news Ian, well done on getting it fired up.
Won't be long now till you get to plant your foot down :smilegrin: and we all want to see the vid of that!!!
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posted on March 21st, 2010 at 10:28 PM

Astounding effort Ian.... You gotta be stoked?

Bring on the in-car vid!!!!

FUCH your early! 
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posted on March 22nd, 2010 at 07:19 PM

Thanks for the comments guys.

It has been a big push to get the engine running this past few weeks. I needed to feel like i'd made some good progress with the car at last. Nothing motivates like the sound of an engine running!

Today was the long over-due workshop cleanup before I get stuck into the car again. Did all the leg work sourcing parts to make that happen today as well. Hardware to hold the back of the car together, and ordering a custom made throttle cable.

The muffler situation is proving to be a challange. Im trying to source some 3" mufflers that dont look too "ricer". Most of the 3" cannons ive seen come with a 4.5" tip which is pretty crazy. Also checked on the legality of side pipes. I can do a single 3" side pipe on the drivers side of the car only. Its not legal to run twin side pipes (wonders about the AC Cobra though...). So it will probably end up being a dump to the ground behind the rear tyre.

I should have some pictures of a widebody bug to post tomorrow all going well. Im going to score a digital video camera too, so I can take a better quality vid of the engine running. My camera phone footage was pretty crappy....

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posted on March 23rd, 2010 at 09:00 AM

That's awesome news, can't wait to see pics of the bug wearing all its body panels and sitting on the ground!

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