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[ Total Views: 489 | Total Replies: 4 | Thread Id: 68473 ]
Author: Subject:  Parts availability
Wolfsburg Wizard


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posted on April 9th, 2008 at 09:28 AM
Parts availability

Prompted by Craig Torrens query and the fact of me being a novice to Vw`s - Until i came onto this board i was really quite unaware of just how many VWs are out there. So my question is that if there are so many of these vehicles out there what shortage of parts exist. Given the amount of maufacturers be they genuine/ aftermarket or for that matter origin of manufacture (Germany/Brazil/Mexico etc) why is this still such a huge problem? cheers
Officially Full-On Dubber


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posted on April 9th, 2008 at 09:58 AM

There is often a shortage on older style parts which are no longer made but have replacement equivalents available. Some people don't like the mexican and brazillian parts, for good reasons. Plus some aftermarket parts are CRAP!

But there is still the usual shortage of parts that are no longer made, and not have any aftermarket replacement parts available. There are a still a fair few old vw's running aroung, but bear in mind, they are all over 30 years old and many of the parts have 30 years worth of wear and tear on them!

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Wolfsburg Wizard


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posted on April 9th, 2008 at 10:27 AM

Thanks rob53. Yes, your right there. I was just amazed that in Craigs situation an alternator replacement posed a problem for him. This was one item i felt there would be plentiful of. Also as i`m seeing so many more of these vws ( all styles/types) it made me wonder how widespread is the difficulty in availability of parts. Oh well, guess this is what i`ll have to put up with once i get my bug. Ha. cheers
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posted on April 9th, 2008 at 12:06 PM

Craig wasnt stating that he couldnt find an alternator, he just wanted to know how the cheap chinese ones compared to the Bosch ones.

Something like an Alternator isnt usually specific to just one model, you wil find that the same alternator will fit a host of different makes and models, after all bosch would go broke if they made a different alternator for every make and model. Car companies try to use as many of the same parts for different cars as possible to cut costs and ease of supply.
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posted on April 9th, 2008 at 12:17 PM

for cars that were manufactured as early as the late 40's? early 50s? i think there is a pretty damn good supply of repro parts available both from stockists in australia and worldwide. whilst they are of varied quality, at least the majority of stuff is available.

so to answer your initial question - i dont beleive there is a "shortage of parts" nor is attaining such parts a "huge problem". buy an issue of VWMA and have a look through the suppliers in the back.


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