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Author: Subject:  Do you work on your car?
Wolfsburg Elder
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posted on March 30th, 2010 at 08:30 PM

you must be just having a bad run:fakesniff:
we have 5 vws:crazy:
over the past 6 years I had to replace a couple of clutch cables, points and condenser, the odd battery, aa few globes , a rocker stud and shaft that is the part of the tappets. and we ran out of petrol :crazy:

I replaced a lot of stuff that wasn't broken , like taken a perfectly good vw motor out and replacing it with a subaru :crazy::crazy:
see link below:crazy:

car forums. where a lot of peoples good intentions end up taking a good old car off the road forever never ever to see the road again. :fakesniff:
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posted on July 4th, 2011 at 10:40 AM

im only 14 but have a go at everything on my FVee (mostly veedub) and if i need any guidance i just ask dad.
A.k.a.: Kieran "Schmeaux" Boundy Stock-Nazi, Kombi Konquistador
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posted on September 8th, 2011 at 03:40 AM

Always done everything on my cars... been about 8 or 9 years since I was given my first car to play with as a teenager, a '79 Mini Moke... followed shortly by an '82 VH Commodore. I did what I knew how to do with them, but really got into mechanical stuff when I did an Aero course in year 11 and 12, and then bought my first Kombi after I finished year 12... that's what really got me into cars.

Me dads an AME from way back so he always had a clue about engines, knows his stuff about cars as well as planes. Tought me the basics of what I needed to know, we rebuilt the top end of my Kombi motor when I bought it as it had a burnt valve and a cracked head and then yeh... since then I just decided I'd just learn more things, would trawl the forums, read workshop manuals from cover to cover, try doing more things, cock things up occasionally, learn from my cock ups and work out how to fix them, learnt did a pre-apprentice course just cos I could, learnt to weld off a guy in the course who used to be a panelbeater, decided to start doing all me own bodywork too, started an apprenticeship... gave that up when my life turned to crap, but anyway.

So yeh, here I am today, wouldn't say I am an expert, definitely not a qualified tradesman, but I know enough that the only thing Ive sent a car to a workshop for aside from wheel allignments and tyres is to have a snapped rocker cover bolt drilled out of a Falcon head.... cos im stupid and overtightened it, and couldnt be bothered drilling it out. I've had my Kombis' engines and gearboxes out kajillions of times myself, changed a clutch on an XF, an engine in another, done head gaskets, rebuilt my own carbs, done all my own tuning, servicing, adjustments, points, timing, cam belts, suspension work, brakes, changed springs in cars, fitted zorsts, waterpumps, electrical stuff... you name it, chances are Ive done it.

Cant say I love doing all of it... for instance I'd rather never have to change a clutch, but at the end of the day, I'm too povo to afford the hundreds or thousands of dollars that all these things would otherwise cost to have done professionally, but alas they need to be done all the same, so the only course of action is to buy some good tools, get some knowledge, develop some wisdom and just dive in and get covered in grease. :)

At the moment I'm about to start building a Ford 250 with all new bearings, pistons, rods, EF crank, pretty warm cam, solid lifters, studs, Aussiespeed manifold and throttlebody injection, with a C1 supercharger.... Gonna be my first full engine build, and I intend on doing it all myself. You can never stop learning they say... :yes:

1976 Kombi Trakka camper, "Buttercup"... driver.
1976 Beluxe Microbus, "Saphir"... resto.
1974 Kombi panelvan, "George"... shed.
1974 Superbug, "Schmeetle"... resto.
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posted on October 21st, 2011 at 10:10 PM

Well i bought a volkswagen beetle just so i can tinker around with the car. I just never thought and had the money to actually but a perfectly normal boring car, i mean where the fun in it? I just like to know how my car works just so i know where it can go wrong and how i can improve it. It quite fun but a bit too addictive...
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posted on October 22nd, 2011 at 10:43 PM

I do most of the work on my superbug. I had the car for 12 years now.
As others say. I know what right or wrong with it. ITs never broken down on the
side of the road. I think I can find problems quicker then the new mechanics on new
cars. I just love the aircooled VW.
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posted on October 30th, 2011 at 06:30 PM
yep, all the work was done by me exept the snd blasting, about 6 months of rust repair, new heater channel rear arpon, bumper support bracket, front firewall and various other little peices.. just about ready to start on the chassis, that should be heaps of fun :dork:
im 15

type 4 1956 oval build thread anyone?... 
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posted on October 31st, 2011 at 08:24 PM

I learnt all I know from How to Keep your Beetle Alive. 
MemberRusty AKA my 76 bay
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posted on February 2nd, 2012 at 05:19 PM

70% of work been done to my kombi and 75% of work done to my beetle has been done by me (14 yrs old) and the other 30 or 25% has been my cousin and my dad.
Cheers Rusty.
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posted on March 9th, 2014 at 06:32 PM

Did you finish the oval?
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posted on July 11th, 2016 at 03:06 PM

of course I work on my car

1969 Volkswagen type 3 squareback 1600L
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