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Author: Subject:  A year long rice-burner car project - end results (Jon & bajachris)
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posted on May 7th, 2009 at 08:14 PM
A year long rice-burner car project - end results (Jon & bajachris)

Hi Guys,

I'm quite surprised by the paint and body work that was performed on an old car. It was alot of work, and took around a year to complete. We used the techniques / knowledge Jason (a well-known, skilled VW enthusiast) gave us during the work on Chris's vw bug, if you guys still remember that. So, even though this is a 'rice burner' celica, I still wanted to share with you guys the end result achieved after a year of research and hard work, because the same principles can be applied to VWs.

It was basically a resto-mod job done with around a $6000 budget, including mechanical work, but most of the work was body and paint, and all the labor was completed by myself, and bajachris88 (aka Chris). It was a very steep learning curve, especially for me. Here are the end results of a full body respray, with most of the work done in the front driveway.

Hopefully this resolves any problems you guys might be having on your projects. This is our first project car that we have completed, and I know that some of you may have 2nd thoughts about conducting a respray without experience. If anything, any mistakes can be corrected, it just takes a few goes to learn how to do it right, and a bit more money. It took around three goes to get it to an acceptable standard.

For a full video of this resto, from start to finish, visit: 

Good luck guys with your paint projects! If you guys have any questions on the issues involved, just give me a buzz at via the youtube account above.


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