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Author: Subject:  The Subabeetle project
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posted on November 8th, 2009 at 07:36 PM

funny, its usually the older kids that do it too, perhaps joel doesnt need the * extension of having the turbo...

altho... that makes me look really bad :lol:

Volkswagen Drivers Club of Queensland - member :)

STIDUB - yep its still a work in progress

Vwdcq club car racing/ and crashing while my bug isn't finished.

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posted on November 8th, 2009 at 08:36 PM

oh man i went on holidays for 2 days and come back to 72 emails about this thread. You know how to draw a crowd joel :lol:

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posted on November 8th, 2009 at 08:55 PM

hehe now u know what i been going thro for the last 9 months

so i guess that makes you one of the mystery email addresses on my notifications

dont worry another few months ill think of another new project and it will be like this and blowing the bug all over again :crazy:

much to ians delight it will probably be an EJ20t conversion
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posted on November 8th, 2009 at 09:21 PM

haha at least your projects always work. That is why there is such a big joel following. Can't wait to see this beast in the flesh

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posted on November 8th, 2009 at 10:36 PM

Hi Joel

Cant you deactivate the email notification, I don't bother with it.

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posted on November 9th, 2009 at 05:08 PM

Steve i normally dont bother either, its just for long topics like this where its easy for me to miss peoples questions

Originally posted by DaveCarter
haha at least your projects always work. That is why there is such a big joel following. Can't wait to see this beast in the flesh

trust me for each sucessfull project i have theres lots more unsucessfull ones, they just dont get forum air time :lol:
classic example was my turbo engine, wasnt a failure but it was one problem after another till i gave up on it
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posted on November 9th, 2009 at 07:04 PM

a turbo engine aye, seen a cop witha bug with a turbo engine yesterday, had ps on it too. Dunno how it eneded but. Got plans from it still?
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posted on November 9th, 2009 at 07:24 PM

i never work off plans, just build and modify as i go
that one was pre digitial camera days but i was tearing my hair out over it so much i was just glad to see it gone
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posted on November 9th, 2009 at 07:32 PM

So then he "cheated" and got a Subi "lol"
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posted on November 9th, 2009 at 07:37 PM

okay, im tossing up the idea but steve carter posted some vey scary figueres earlier
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posted on November 9th, 2009 at 09:46 PM

will scare you no matter which way you go,
going fast aint cheap
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posted on November 10th, 2009 at 06:18 AM

what engine were you trying it on
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posted on November 10th, 2009 at 03:15 PM

ummm well frankenstein v1.0 i ASSuMEd was a 1600 cos although it was an AB block which is 1300 i pulled if from a superbug and it had a 1600 carb and manifold and exhaust

i pulled it down after it grenaded to find it was still a 1300

frankenstien v2.0 that replaced it was a 1600 but had some bad piston slap and used to detonate pretty bad under boost it was a time bomb but the turbo gave out before it did
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posted on November 10th, 2009 at 07:08 PM

Alrighty, will look into it, hows the subi going
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posted on November 10th, 2009 at 08:03 PM

not goin at all for a while

got it dropped out ready to pull down but currently theres just not enough hours in the day
im putting in 14 hours+ a day at the momemt just cos im so snowed under
no wonder im look like the walking dead at the moment

im deteremined to have it ready for run to the sun in acouple of weeks so i;ll make some time for it
only needs a few hours and some parts
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posted on November 11th, 2009 at 06:27 AM

okay sounds good.
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posted on November 11th, 2009 at 09:04 AM

Originally posted by Joel
not goin at all for a while

got it dropped out ready to pull down but currently theres just not enough hours in the day
im putting in 14 hours+ a day at the momemt just cos im so snowed under
no wonder im look like the walking dead at the moment

im deteremined to have it ready for run to the sun in acouple of weeks so i;ll make some time for it
only needs a few hours and some parts

14 hours a day.
your nuts:crazy::lol::crazy:

car forums. where a lot of peoples good intentions end up taking a good old car off the road forever never ever to see the road again. :fakesniff:
A.k.a.: Simon Azzopardi
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posted on November 11th, 2009 at 09:07 AM

I whinge and I'm only workin 9-5 :lol:
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posted on November 11th, 2009 at 09:19 AM

Originally posted by ian.mezz
14 hours a day.
your nuts:crazy::lol::crazy:

I think you're right, he does farm nuts.
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posted on November 11th, 2009 at 01:57 PM

im very nuts, but im also at the mercy of the weather at the moment and have to work around it

dads gonna look after the place for me next week so i can treat myself to a few days off and hopefully get my bug back up and running
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posted on November 14th, 2009 at 08:35 PM

it seems this is the month everyone on the interwebs has chosen to look at my pics and have burned out all my photobucket bandwidth
lucky for me i have a couple of others lol

so im stuck in the middle of that wonderfull situation known as awaiting parts at the moment
so ive decided to dress up the plant room alittle while everythings out and apart
subi engines arent much to look at so any help they can get to look better is good
and my engine bay was starting to look a little junkyard-ish now i've removed the chrome louvered firewall and tarboard
i was sick of them as the louvered rattelled badly when the stereo was cranked and the tarboard is doing nothing now i have sound/heat deadner on the inside of the firewall
ive been planing for ages to just paint the firewall but ive been holding off as a few people know already theres a colour change on the cards for my bug so i couldnt see the point in painting it yet
but with how things are going thats gonna be a while off yet

the contact glue on it everywhere that held the padding was looking very ugly

and those little spikes that hold the tarboard are just the ticket for skinned knuckles

and in the corners all the facotry seam sealer has long since crumbled and fallen off and you can also see there was a massive foam tumour that i had to scrape away years ago to get my kadrons to fit

where i removed the valance was also a lot of bare metal and various unpainted metal areas

so i did a heap of prep, removed all those little sharp bastards and painted away
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posted on November 14th, 2009 at 08:39 PM

ok thats the bug looking a bit better
so to tidy up the engine first thing to get attention was the timing belt covers

now the easy thing with them would have been get a new set, they're cheap and easily availble but wheres the fun in that??

first thing i did was degrease all the years of roadgrime, oil spills and powersteering fluid off them

the outter sections are in good condition but the center section has had the crank pulley rubbing away on it at some point and its had an intimate moment with the timing belt idler

and look theres even a love stain to prove it

damage is actualluy most curious
its obvious that the idlers been rubbing againt the cover and melted it abit
but in one of lifes little mysteries its managed to some how stop and position itself about 2" lower and leave a perfect imprint in the plastic
so perfect you can read the back to front JAPAN in the plastic

anyway with a dose of ABS plastic glue and some paint its loooking marginally better
i didnt fuss to much about the pulley rub mark as it will be covered up by the pulley
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posted on November 14th, 2009 at 08:43 PM

anther thing that sticks out like dogs balls on a subi engine is the inlet manifold
there was a few jobs i wanted to do to this while its off

firstly is remove all the hardlines that were for the charcoal canister
im connecting directly to the purge solenoid so they're not doinging anything and ive already had to cut off the canister ends to clear my top radiator hose

i wanted to remove all the wiring loom as well and rewrap the electrical tape on it as its starting to unwind in a few spots and check the loom for wear spots
ive heard that people have found on some EJ engines where the loom has worn through on something metal and can short out the wiring

i didnt find any of that but i did find the rubber hose on the canister hard line had worn through on the compressor/alt bracket
good thing i havent been using it

now before u go tearing things apart its a good idea to take lots of reference pics

the plug wire holders are like a friggen jigsaw puzzle

all the electrical plugs are different so they cant be mixed up....EXCEPT for the the injectors which are all the same
now im pretty sure theses engines arent sequential fire but they would most likely atleast be batch fire which means u cant mix them up

mine had one on each side marked

but i still marked each one indiviually to play it safe

anyway stripped down with the offending hard lines removed and a coat of paint theres an instant 20HP
goes faster already

i noticed as i was putting it back together that it looked rather animal like......

ive got the IACV still sitting here which im gonna give the clean out treatemtn tomorrow
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posted on November 14th, 2009 at 09:33 PM

I wish i had the patience,tools,time,skills to do all the stuff you do, you make it look and seem effortless.
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posted on November 14th, 2009 at 09:54 PM

its just a hobby
everything i know is all self taught
ive never done any sort of coarses or training
just abit of time working as a mechanic doing stuff i had already learned years ago

when i got my first bug i was too scared to even take the dissy cap off.
granted i was only 13 years old at the time but i soon learned just pull it apart taking note of how it goes together and its pretty easy to suss out how they work

vws are very simple cars and one of the best to start learning with

i once knew nothing about body work or painting either
all i did was bought a shitty $200 beetle, a heap of sandpaper and bog and a spray gun and had a go

10 years ago a $200 solid bug was easy to find but u can do the same thing these days with an old corolla or pulsar etc

its easy to have a go at anything, you dont develope skills if u dont try
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posted on November 15th, 2009 at 12:23 AM

what kinda paint u use joel? (the red paint)

BTW.. im ojan from Malaysia... we chatted for a while a few months back bout ur SC...

nice to see the progress of ur SUBABUG...

hope im not disturbing ur thread...
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posted on November 15th, 2009 at 08:54 PM

hey Ojan, havent heard from you for a while

ofcourse your not disturbing, this thread is here for people to ask questions

the paint is just ordinary fire engine red enamel
the manifold doesnt get hot enough to call for hi-temp paint

another things ive done is mounted my charcoal canister
its hiding away neatly behind the header tank
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posted on November 17th, 2009 at 02:25 AM

ya its been a while... hope my post are not to nubie... if so.. i will proceed to PM... :)

its amazing what u've done here joel...

the SC idea just slips through my mind after seeing ur subaru conv...

i did some search in my local scrapyard and no EJ22 available.. only turbo engines... mostly the EJ20 sti and the twin turbo version...:crazy:

not too sure if my 1303 gbox is up for that much power... is ur trans stock? its hard to find an N/A suby motor here joel...:fakesniff:
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posted on November 17th, 2009 at 06:43 PM

yea i know what you mean
the blower had the "cool" factor and was on a par with the EJ22 power wise but this engine is just so much smoother
the bugs lost it soul abit but the reliability factor makes up for it
i know i could just jump in and drive to melbourne without any worrys except whats playing on the stereo

my gearbox is just stock
thats the joy of N/A subi motors they work in perfect harmony with a stock trans unlike turbo motors
but dont tell the others i said that :lol:

just for those who are wondering i havent had a chance to do much with it
stripped down to a long block shows just how close in size to a vw engine it really is

i also got another treat for the bug
its amazing the new in box stuff you can find hidden in peoples atticks lol

bosch germany starter motor for a semiautomatic beetle

these are higher HP than a standard a starter and are self supporting so no more dealing with starter bushings
bit more clunkier than a stock starter
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posted on November 17th, 2009 at 07:07 PM

Yeah the motors are pretty simmilar. There simmilar size , there both boxster motors , The Subi just runs on water :lol:

The Subaru motor is just a modern vw motor :lol:
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