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[ Total Views: 720 | Total Replies: 1 | Thread Id: 80159 ]
Author: Subject:  Anyone in Cairns check out a T3 Camper for a friend?
Veteran Volks Folk

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posted on November 8th, 2009 at 01:48 PM
Anyone in Cairns check out a T3 Camper for a friend?

Hi All,
I have friends in Cairns on holiday from the UK that are looking at a T3 Camper to buy and drive down to here in Adelaide. It is efi and last of the aircooleds. Not sure on the amount of KMS but it has just passed roadworthy.

I just need someone who could check it out in Cairns and make sure it could make the trip south.

The guy who is selling the car is Gavin and him number is 0431 925 984.
My friend in Cairns is Jenny and her number is - 0415 908 850
Or you can call me, Heath on 0434 943 058

If there is anyone that could do this is would be great, can work out some kind of payment,

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posted on November 8th, 2009 at 06:18 PM

I could help you out. Im not real good with mechanics so engine wise I wouldn't have much of an idea but I can suss it out for you and let you know what I think of it. PM if interested.


1973 Super Beetle

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