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Author: Subject:  My Story of my first vw expirience (1972 LadyBird/Lady Bug)
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posted on November 21st, 2009 at 10:54 AM
My Story of my first vw expirience (1972 LadyBird/Lady Bug)

Hey guys, I finaly put together my story of my first vw expirience. Hope you like it.

User name: DylanTheDubber
Real Name: Dylan McQuinn
First vw expirience: My first vw expirience started when i was 10. My dad had had 2 beetles previosly and his vw involvement when way back from when he was 18 he had friends that were full on dubb heads that used to restore vw's in there back yard in sydney. So i said to dad "We should get one" "can we Please get one" But at the time dad only had one old car that he could'nt sell cause it was not worth anything. Untill one day (not that long latter) the car was stollen and dumped off the road into the bush off the little road that goes down to the beach at nobbys. The insurance money was granted and dad aggred we would get a beetle. So we found one on the internet located at bonvile. We new it would'nt be real flash as it was only $1000 but it would be fun. We turned up to the place where the beetle was to have a look and a test drive. Now here is the realy good bit i remeber vividly, We turned up in a hyundai and jumped in the bug turned it on and instantly a smile was put on my face as the motor Roared. You can just image the diffence of a stock hyundai then getting into a beetle for the first time with extractors, It was a very happy expirence for me. I was even more stoked because of how diffent it was having a flat windscreen and metal dash it was'nt like any other car. We went for a drive. Dad floged it down bonville st. road and again i was soo happy to be in a vw. From that moment onwards i loved that beetle soo much and i told myself i would never part with it. But mainly NEVER part with vw's. We got to a dead end at the end of the road and we started to turn around when we herd a knock in the steering or suspension when the wheels were turned all the Way to the right so we locked up the wheel to right and floged it round in circles (while getting a bit of wheels spin action on the lose surface :lol: ) to listen carefully to see what it sounded like. Dad was stoked too to have a bug again and drove it hard. So we ended up getting that vw for $700. But then we took her to the gold coast (by then we had found out that there was no cooling tinware on it) and foolishly took it to the gold coast and it started to over heat and stop. It would only go when it was cool. So one night it stoped out the front of ashmore high school (arccoss the road from the bmx track) and dad left it there to come back and get it in the morning. But when he came back the bug was no longer there. It was dumped in a ashmore creek near by. I Could'nt belive that my faviorite place to go when i was a little kid of 5-8 year was the BMX track at ashmore and a few years later the vw i most loved and cherished and never wanted to part with would be stollen and thats the last time i would see it. So as soon as this happended i ask dad to ring the cops and insurance company to see whats happening with the car. so dad rang and the people in the insurance company said the claim is being procesed and your car will be sold at a car auction at eagle farm in brisbane. I said to dad could be buy it back but he said as much as i would like to we cant because it will cost too much money to repair a water logged bug and we would have to find a way to transport it. Dad said dont worrie bout that bug we will get the money from the insurance and buy another bug. So i was ok with that UNTILL, Dad told me that the insurance company rang and said because you made a claim of stollen vehicle on your previous car we are not going to honour this claim. and dad said well i want my car back then and the said "No sir you dont get your car back you get nothing" I did'nt and still dont understand how they can get away with the crap insurance companys do but thats why to this day im not happy with the way NRMA treated us and probly many other clients. So this is the story of my first vw expirence and this lead on to us getting a 1973 L bug that we had for 5 years and then it had to go and then another 74 L bug and now it's gone too. I hope to get one for myself soon but for now i don't have any vw's :(
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posted on November 21st, 2009 at 11:07 AM

Great story Dylan, unbelievable about them not honouring the claim, don't understand that at all but I would have fought them all the way, hope you get your own bug soon.

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posted on November 21st, 2009 at 02:35 PM

donn, Dad Was'nt in any position to fight them about it at the time. It all worked out realy bad. It was very unfair to us and NRNMA said "your being unfair to us that demanding that we give you either money or the car when you broke your pollicy. Dad found out that he made 2 claims of vehicle theft in the time period given. That could'nt of been helped it was just reality. It was very unfair on us as i said but they twisted it and said we did the wrong thing for making 2 claims in 12 months.

From Dylan

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