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[ Total Views: 11942 | Total Replies: 34 | Thread Id: 81597 ]
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posted on March 15th, 2011 at 11:02 PM
nice stickers
Commited Dubber
Posts: 73
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Registered: December 23rd, 2008
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Location: Adelaide , SA
Theme: UltimaBB Vintage
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posted on April 22nd, 2017 at 09:23 AM
posted by warb
There have been many requests so I have repro'd the OG sticker, comes in many colours, or just email me to request a colour.. going out at $10ea
including post in australia, the colours in the photo below are Gold, Red, Lt Blue, Green, Yellow, Dk Blue, Orange.. there is also white.. if you want
another colour just ask..
please don't PM me for these, as ill loose track, i have setup, email me there for any special requests or orders. For those on
paypal you can also use to pay the $10 and specify a colour..
a percentage from each sticker will go back to the forum. lets get them all out there, and support the forum..
also, when you get your sticker, post a pic here of it on your car for all to see....
Commited Dubber
Posts: 73
Threads: 18
Registered: December 23rd, 2008
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Location: Adelaide , SA
Theme: UltimaBB Vintage
Mood: Aircooled or nothing !!!
posted on April 22nd, 2017 at 09:26 AM
Hi mate...what are the size of these... Im trying to find the big back window one that was sold here before..these look smaller..cheers.