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Author: Subject: 77 Kombi fuel gauge sender
Compulsive Aussie Vee Dubber


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posted on July 24th, 2003 at 07:33 AM
77 Kombi fuel gauge sender

Hi Guys
I know this has probably been asked before.
Can you get a new sender for the fuel gauge, I am sick of not knowing how much fuel I have in the tank! mine seems to be out by about 15 litres, but when you are traveling, and am paranoid about running out of fuel in the middle of no where, when the gauge gets down to the red, I start sweating! even though I know I have 20 or so litres left, I spose it is just psyhcological torture.


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posted on July 24th, 2003 at 07:43 AM

I keep a petrol log book. It gives you a pretty good idea of how much petrol you have in the tank.

I also keep 5 litres of fuel on board just in case.

This method seems to work OK. But it would be better to have a working petrol gauge.
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posted on July 24th, 2003 at 07:55 AM

Import advantage for about 65 bucks. Need to cut a hole in the floor to change it. Have just done same job.
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posted on July 24th, 2003 at 08:04 AM

How hard is it to remove the tank! I am getting some engine work done in the future, nessitating removal of the engine, should I just wait until then. I dont really want to cut holes anyware.

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posted on July 24th, 2003 at 08:34 AM

It's an easy job with the motor out. Two straps, some breather lines and the fill pipe. It's worth having a look in there and the condition of the rubber lines behind the panel when you get the chance anyway.
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posted on July 24th, 2003 at 08:48 AM

Engine out = no hole in floor. The sender can be adjusted by bending the arm. No hole in floor is the better way to go, I just couldnt justify the work when my engine has recently gone back in! Besides, I got to use power tools without a responsible adult present;) I always reckon a reserve tank of fuel is a requirement. I found out the hard way one day, in the rain, dark and boonies..........

As Andy pointed out, look at all the lines then. If you get it done, replace the filler line from the spout to the tank, it probably needs it.
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posted on July 24th, 2003 at 09:02 AM

Yeah sounds like a good idea.
I will pull the tank and replace all the rubber and check the inside of the tanks condition, when the engine's out. I have a slight fuel smell every now and then, but not consistant enough to worrie about at the moment, it's just the false reading the sender gives me that annoys the hell out of me.
Thanks Rob....

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posted on July 24th, 2003 at 04:25 PM

I carefully cut the floor with an air hack saw. I changed the sender and then urethaned a slightly larger section by about 3mm all around to the floor. You could also screw it if need be.
The floor in the back has been trimmed over with carpet, so you can never tell it has been done. :D

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posted on July 24th, 2003 at 08:04 PM

:cry argh. butchers.

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posted on July 25th, 2003 at 12:07 AM

I agree. Put up with it until you pull your motor out and can do it properly. Please don't go cutting through a perfectly good Kombi floor.

This is much worse than people who cut holes in Beetle tunnels to replace clutch cables (bad enough though that is)
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posted on July 25th, 2003 at 05:57 AM

I have always wondered why VW didn't provide a access hatch to make it easier to replace the clutch cable, on a Beetle, what a frustrating job it is to try and do on your own.

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posted on July 25th, 2003 at 11:06 AM

Originally posted by Phil74Camper
I agree. Put up with it until you pull your motor out and can do it properly.

Or crawl under (you have to get under to remove the tank strap nuts anyway), undo the 2 gearbox hanger bolts, remove the carbs, undo the rear engine bar bolts and lower it down. 6 bolts and 4 nuts!

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posted on July 25th, 2003 at 03:12 PM

Originally posted by amazer
, undo the rear engine bar bolts and lower it down. 6 bolts and 4 nuts!

And why the hell am I doing this again :D :D :D
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posted on July 25th, 2003 at 03:42 PM

You're doing it because....

Originally posted by Robo
...VW didn't provide a access hatch to make it easier...

I have this long term goal of grafting in a hatch from a T3. Not for the fuel sender but because I want to relocate the tank and put a turbo + intercooler in there. I spose you could always weld two T2 hatches together, but prolly not long enough.

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posted on July 25th, 2003 at 05:52 PM

Mmmmm.... full size engine cover!!! I've dreamt of one of those too!! :thumb:thumb

Kruizin Kol

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