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[ Total Views: 671 | Total Replies: 5 | Thread Id: 87626 ]
Author: Subject:  Select-a-drop Qtn where to set for welding
MemberAussie Dubbin


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posted on December 14th, 2010 at 09:16 AM
Select-a-drop Qtn where to set for welding

Hi all,
I am about to cut my beam, can i have some help.
Where do i locate my adjusters and what amount of movement causes what change in height... eg does a 5mm rotation in the middle mean a 4inch drop at the wheels?

So far i hear mark the middle horozontally cut a section as wide as the adjuster and weld in but i dont know which way up or if i need to rotoate down so i can get the most lowering. I want to do some racing and have bought two sets of castor shims and had the arms bent so i can get -4* camber.

Where should the solid tang be (that hangs out form the adjuster in a U shape)?


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posted on December 15th, 2010 at 09:20 AM


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posted on December 15th, 2010 at 12:28 PM 
MemberAussie Dubbin


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posted on December 15th, 2010 at 02:23 PM

Thanks Stanley,
that looks great, thats all i was looking for.
how much drop would i be seeing? i have heard that you can use the arms to check where you are welding. cheers

Compulsive Aussie Vee Dubber
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posted on December 15th, 2010 at 04:51 PM

To check you can twist X degrees and see how far your arms move. Measure the movement of your trailing arms and this will give you an idea of how much it has lowered. You won't know for sure until you put weight back on it. It depends to some extent on your torsion leaves.

If you only plan on lowering set your max raise to your current grub screw orientation. You can twist it down a little but you will never get std ride height again.
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posted on December 15th, 2010 at 06:26 PM

When I did mine I set them up so the top of travel was slightly above the stock grub screw, for the reason Stanley has said above.

I think usually you get about 4 inches of drop from 'em... just going with that you should be able to get pretty close.

Good luck.


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