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[ Total Views: 440 | Total Replies: 1 | Thread Id: 87971 ]
Author: Subject:  tranmission carrier bolt spacing.
Compulsive Aussie Vee Dubber


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question.gif posted on January 5th, 2011 at 03:35 PM
tranmission carrier bolt spacing.

Just acquired a type 3 subframe with frame horns. Now Damo and I thought it was the early subframe with IRS brackets welded on, but after I got it home I noted that it actually a late irs subframe with early horns and under rail welded to it.

So its look to be a fairly good job apart from some sloppy welding which I can die grind it out and re-weld everything and add some re-enforcements.

Question is, can someone provide me the geometry "blue prints" to the frame horns and where they sit in respect to everything else. oh and type 3, type 1 will be different in some ways.

So far I have measured that the horns are perfectly horizontal at 300mm to the tower plain to the centers of the horn bolts.

Other thing I need to work out is how wide is the carrier bolt spacing? can someone measure a trany carrier plate from the dead centers of the main bolts from bolt to bolt, that way I will know what the distance of the frame horns will have to sit from each other.

here is a link of a thread I started, should give you an idea.
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Compulsive Aussie Vee Dubber


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Location: Kyneton, VIC
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posted on January 5th, 2011 at 06:27 PM
71 notchback,
Past owner of, 70 NB, 73 SB and 72 FB TLE

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