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Author: Subject:  Camper compliance back seat safety.
Learner Dubber

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posted on February 8th, 2011 at 12:05 PM
Camper compliance back seat safety.

Anyone managed to put in new safe seats in the back of a camper 1975 Bay Kombi? I have been advised that I won't get any through without it costing a fortune? I bought interstate from an ex mentor and need to get the camper in my name. I'm planning on selling for a newer edition as I don't want to jeopordise the safety of my kids. Appreciate any adivse. Thanks Ally
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posted on March 9th, 2011 at 07:22 AM

You have not stated were you live, but in queensland you will need to get a engineer to inspect any installation, or there might be a approved installation station to have the job done, there should be factory seat belt attachment point's already in your car. does it already have a seat, would this already be part of the camper conversion, you could call any of the shops that specialise in kombi's
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posted on March 9th, 2011 at 08:09 AM - Jamie will provide you with the right advice.
Learner Dubber

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posted on March 9th, 2011 at 09:50 AM

Thanks for your interest. We are in NSW and bought the van in TAS. It seems after talking to various NSW VW mechanics and the engineers they use that to get a day n night bed with new seatbelts through the RTA NSW compliance laws for campers will be very difficult without spending a great deal of time and money. The bay we bought is in very good condition and we are only the third owner. It has genuine log books with only 130000km's so we wanted something in original mechanical condition but with the camper. We always thought we'd be doing something better with the seatbelts. We can take them out get the two seater compliancy and then put them back in but if we carry children in the back and get pulled over by the police or heaven forbid have an accident then the insurance for any body injury would be legally negligable. We're not sure what to do. It seems these laws only exist in NSW. We haven't found an engineer that disagrees with the RTA definition of conversion etc. done a bit of research with the help of others. So I"m going to put up for sale with the help of the fellow I bought it from. We'll see how it goes. What it means is we should only buy a VW camper in NSW so that we buy it with the seatbelt compliancy and then improve these ourselves including the day n night bed so they are a whole lot safer.
LIke I say thanks for your interest. Alex

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