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posted on May 11th, 2011 at 01:43 PM
Golf Mk 2 gearbpx problems
Long story short
Mate buys 1982(??) Mk2 Golf GTI - 1.8L 4 door for his son
Goes great
Has a prang - front driver. Wheel area.
NRMA write it off - "possible internal damage"
Buy it back and new guard, strut, steering etc etc. Goes great.
Year later box goes bang
Now - so far about 3 gear boxes have been bought from varying places, and varying people have put them in.
ALL the boxes have had various faults.
The latest is fine when cold, but makes awful noise when you drive through 3rd gear when it warms up.
Does anyone one know of a GOOD WARRANTY'd box.
Can I get one repaired??
Mate's wife is about to kill my mate
So far it has taken 7 months and he still has a Golf parked on the front yard
Futue te ipsum!!!
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posted on May 13th, 2011 at 10:00 PM
Could it be a linkage issue?
MK2's can be a nuisance when bush's/linkage's wear on the shifting mechanism, although the issues usually appear in 1st/reverse or even 5th, dunno
about 3rd.
A diesel gearbox could be a possible replacement, apparantly the diesel boxes are bomb proof with nice long ratio's?
Most of the above issue's are from what I've read/heard from specialists, I really havn't had bad experiences with my MK2 yet.
Hope you mate can get that MK2 back on the road
Give Camden GTI a call?
EDIT: I've also heard fully synthetic gear box oil's, like Redline MTL, have saved dodgy/dying box's many times.
2.0slow 92 MK2
Made in Germany, Assembled in Africa, 'Migrated' to Australia
Officially Full-On Dubber
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posted on June 6th, 2011 at 09:08 AM
Get it rebuilt , dont waste money on second hand stuff !