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Author: Subject:  1967 1300 "Race Bug" - Updated 29/06/2016 Vintage Speed Exhaust!!
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"Bolt-on Master"


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posted on June 29th, 2016 at 09:37 PM

I finally got around to installing the vintage speed exhaust today. It fits nicely and sounds good, haven't driven with it on yet but first impressions are positive, I like the longer tailpipes on it over the GT. All the flanges and fitting is a bit fiddley but went on without a hitch. This style of system could on be installed due to the adjustable flanges, my modified stock system was too wide given the amount that was taken off the heads for compression, the GT was flexible enough to move about. 

Hopefully that album works. Given the car a really good wash and polish, added the towel rails back to the car, and also replaced the coil nc added an electronic ignition to the 019 dizzy, unfortunately the NOS points and condenser weren't working anymore and grounding out internally.

The bumpers are a bit of a mixed bag, back in 2010 or 2009 I had been parked and rear ended by a 7 series, which bent my good Aussie made stainless towel rail, given the budget at the time I simply unbolted both bumpers and carried on with it, but I really do like the towel rails, so the rear is a German chromed bar and rail with Aussie stainless overriders, the front is full stainless and original. The towel rail supports have been filled in since I've owned the car, behind the panel are little blanks blocking the holes, another thing on the to do list I suppose!

Well might be another 12 months until the next update, the GT exhaust is up for sale too if anyone is looking for one.


1967 1300 Deluxe
Swing-axles FTW :!:
A.k.a.: Jeff Walsh
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posted on June 30th, 2016 at 12:17 AM

Those VS are nicely done, aren't they

From your ole' mate Jeff
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"Bolt-on Master"


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Location: Norman Park, QLD
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Mood: This is my bug. There are many others like it, but this one is mine.

posted on June 30th, 2016 at 08:47 AM

Originally posted by beetleboyjeff
Those VS are nicely done, aren't they

Very nice indeed, the sound is good too!

Biggest exhaust the car has had as well so there hopefully is some gain as all other exhausts weren't 38mm diameter pipes.

1967 1300 Deluxe
Swing-axles FTW :!:
Custom Title Time!
"Bolt-on Master"


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Location: Norman Park, QLD
Theme: UltimaBB Pro Blue ( Default )
Mood: This is my bug. There are many others like it, but this one is mine.

posted on June 30th, 2016 at 09:04 AM

1967 1300 Deluxe
Swing-axles FTW :!:
Slammed & Awesome Dubber


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posted on August 21st, 2016 at 06:51 AM

I just got the old speed catalogue from VVDS they look great !
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