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[ Total Views: 538 | Total Replies: 0 | Thread Id: 92578 ]
Author: Subject:  Nightmare
Officially Full-On Dubber

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posted on September 10th, 2011 at 08:00 PM

Coming home from melbourne the beetle dumped 4 litres of oil out the rear main. So pull the engine to look at the issue. The outer rear lip had chewed out and a piece had sat inbetween the main seal and the crank. Anyway mesure everything and low and behold, measuring from the endplate shims to outside of seal and endplay face off flywheel, the outer seal lip is running up on the radius. So i order a new seal and run into work to get the guys to move the radius 70 thou.

Ok so now flywheel is fixed, new seal arrives and its orange and guess what, its a single lip and didnt need the machining. Shite hppens hey. So anyway, fit two dellortos to the engine while its out along with a 36hp scat doghouse shroud.

Engine back in, go to start and get the old flat battery, put in another battery the same thing happens, clean terminals, fit new cable and earth strap, go to start, same thing. Frikken hell, i only rebuilt this starter 6 months ago, it cant be that, spend the next 4 hours checking everything, finally decide it must be the starter,

Pull the starter off, take the end cover off and guess what happened

1 litre of mobil 1 pours out of the starter, lmfao.

It must have been forced in there from the rear seal leak.

Bloody hell, never ever seen or heard of something like that before.

New starter and its now finally going.

I think maybe a 1/2 inch drill through the bottom of the bellhousing is required lol

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