Automotive related businesses can advertise their weekly specials here and any projects they might have under way, or events they might have coming
Please don't hijack anyone else's thread.
Spamming us, particularly if it's not VW related, is a no-no and will result in banning.
Play nice.
[ Total Views: 5639 | Total Replies: 0 | Thread Id: 94353 ]
A.k.a.: Andrew van der Stock
Super Administrator
a suffusion of yellow
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posted on December 16th, 2011 at 01:21 PM
Welcome to the Weekly Deals Forum
Hi folks,
This is the Weekly Deals Forum. Any VW or automotive related business can place new ads every week with great deals for members.
Promotions, events, and projects can be advertised within reason, including links to auctions you might have running on third party sites.
Caveat vendors and emptors
We don't run auction software, and we're not an auction house. We don't get a slice of the action, so please don't seek restitution or arbitration
from us.
Please be aware that any sale is final between you and the business. Aussieveedubbers doesn't receive commission for hosting this forum (it's a free
service to businesses and our members).