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Seriously Crusin Dubber

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posted on January 13th, 2013 at 02:58 PM |
I got the new TB on the car and got most everything rewired except for the IAC
(I just blocked it off for now -- going from a 4-wire IAC to a 2-wire requires some major redo of the harness and some guru work in the program, which
is scheduled for next weekend)
-- went back thru some old programs this evening and mixed and matched with the current E85 program, plugged it all in, and the damn thing fired
right up. and ran pretty good -- needs some fine tuning, but ran out of fuel
I'm really pumped right now
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posted on January 20th, 2013 at 12:47 PM |
You've got to click on it to watch it
Custom Title Time!
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posted on January 22nd, 2013 at 10:15 PM |
mad scientist laugh.heheheheh
love it .car came up well,u must be pleased
down sharon.

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posted on January 22nd, 2013 at 10:34 PM |

Matt Berry Motorsports...air cooled advice, repairs and mods Ph 0408 704 662

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posted on January 24th, 2013 at 11:20 AM |
The things you see at sunrise
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posted on February 3rd, 2013 at 10:28 AM |
As of today it is a driver -- a fast driver -- a trip to the dyno is in order
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posted on February 3rd, 2013 at 11:05 AM |
Sooooo ...... Still no answer on the coil overs then ?
Lol awesome looking Ghia mate, looks like it will fly .....
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posted on March 1st, 2013 at 02:23 PM |
Well, was looking at doing the coil overs and then thought about changing the trans over to a Fortin 5 speed at the same time -- -- and then the
budget went flying thru the roof and out the window so sticking with what I've got, until something breaks LOL
I've got dyno time scheduled this Saturday afternoon, so I've been pushing to wrap a few issues before then..... My 4477 Autometer boost gauge has
been acting up, so I had another one setting on my desk to be installed -- then I was installing my turbosmart e-boost street in the car and I called
Marty to see if he could help me program it -- so we were talking and I asked if a e-boost 2 would fit in my dash replacing the 4477 and what changes
had to be made to convert to it from the street. He said that the gauge would fit and all the e-boost use the same plug in back so no conversion -- --
HMMMMMM -- so I went by the local Turbosmart regional office and saw Marty, his wife and daughter picked up the new gauge and Marty programed it for
me right there on the bench..... Thanks Marty

So now I've got a e-boost street (powered up once and never programed with all new hoses and stuff from the 2) and a brand new Autometer 4477 boost
gauge (box never opened) for sale .
Seriously Crusin Dubber

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posted on August 24th, 2013 at 04:26 PM |
Well, you can see there hasn't been to much done to the car since May -- I've been Constructing a Solar Plant in beautiful downtown Lockhart,
CA..... Never heard of it????? Here it is --
--- It was a old Ghost town that it is now a solar plant ---- You can see an existing solar plant north of there that has been there for almost 20
years -- all the area that you can see the crop circles is the new solar plant.... Maybe one day it will show up here..... Still don't know where it
is????? Start backing out of the picture and you will figure it out, LOL -- can you say middle of nowhere?!?!?!?
Well anyway, Friday was my last day on the job, after being there for almost a year and doing a 200+++ mile commute everyday I'm really done with
this work shit LOL. so it is mini vacation time, gonna really dig into the ghia and get the jinx's out of it -- got some gremlins in the engine and
EFI that defy logic, so I'm gonna get after them or start using a hammer on this shit LOL.... I've got a month or so before the next job so lets see
what I can get done.
Well, I've broken 3 rocker studs now, so...... engine has been pulled apart and the head that been breaking the stud has been disassembled and can't
find nothing wrong HMMMMMMMMM drilled out the helicoils and installed a timesert-- -- K800's still within spec, maybe some beehives are in order?!?!
-- valves and guides are OK and doing what they are suppose to do -- WHY THE F*** IS THIS HAPPENING? still investigating --
One cylinder did have a broken ring which scored the cylinder -- so new +.030 pistons and total ring seals will be required to fix that --
Good news: it will now be a 2963, Buhahahahahahah --
bad news: it hurts when I laugh
Summary of week one of "Vacation" ===== new JE 4.030 pistons, New total seal rings, Trip to the machine shop for some bore adjustment, -- -- some
new beehive valve springs, retainers, locks, trip to the machine shop to get that dialed in, retainers aren't the right ones, won't work, can't get
a set of retainers that fit these springs to match up with the valves, DAMN IT, -- -- some more new beehive springs, retainers, and locks, trip to the
machine shop to see if this will work, crossing fingers, so far so good, -- -- call from machine shop doing boring -- one man shop -- owner has been
sicker than a dog all week, won't get to my barrels until next week, -- -- call to another machine shop, sorry won't have pistons back when I
thought, so will miss this weeks run of coating, maybe next week. Nothing to do this weekend except work on putting the side windows in the Ghia -- --
screw that, -- -- going to the Coach House in San Juan Capistrano to see the Big Bad Voodoo Daddies Saturday night. Good Week LOL
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posted on September 12th, 2013 at 02:35 PM |

Just need that old man who's doing my boring to get them done --- I'm gonna call him EARLY LOL
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posted on October 2nd, 2013 at 10:13 AM |
Went and visited my engine builder today

They found this on all four lobes
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posted on October 2nd, 2013 at 03:14 PM |
Did the VooDoo fix it? Maybe some Snake Oil would work?
Matt Berry Motorsports...air cooled advice, repairs and mods Ph 0408 704 662

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posted on December 31st, 2013 at 11:19 AM |

Sexy Bitch
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posted on April 26th, 2014 at 10:33 AM |
Ha --- Just noticed that it 2 years and 1 week since I brought the Ghia "Home" -- How time flies when you're having fun.........
I disintergrated the 901 trans right after the first of the year -- been fighting putting in a 091 in finally got it done and engine reinstalled
Took it for drive -- -- -- needs a little adjusting on the shift linkage -- but I like it

Did a quick tune and put the E85 in the Ghia (actually winter blend so it is E70 LOL) went and got the trailer and loaded the Ghia up

So Since I can't make it to Bug-in on Sunday -- I'm gonna do the Cars and Coffee in Irvine at 6am Saturday Morning -- then going to the DKK get
together at Hero's at 11am -- see if I can get through the day without doing in another trans LOL
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posted on April 27th, 2014 at 02:10 PM |
Twas a beautiful day in the neighborhood ----
Cars and Coffee was great

Then the Hero's get together was off the charts

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posted on May 2nd, 2014 at 09:38 AM |
Got a phone call late last night -- job canceled until Monday morning,, cool,, So now I can go to Fontana Sunday
SOOooo -- I got off my butt and put the mirrors on -- plus installed the wink mirror too -- I know -- just how cool can I get LOL -- -- -- Now,,, I'm
all dolled up for the car show here in Yucaipa for Friday night --

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posted on December 12th, 2014 at 04:22 PM |
I must just love abuse LMAO

Was trying to get the trans out tonight, freaking can't find my tri-square sockets........ getting to freaking old to remember where I stick chit --
-- Tired of looking for them,, gonna go buy some more in the morning, I always end up with two or three of everything this way,, Must be rich this
week LOL
Gotta get the trans over to Benco so that he can put the POSI in -- -- Love it when a plan comes together LOL
Seriously Crusin Dubber

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posted on December 13th, 2014 at 07:23 AM |

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posted on December 13th, 2014 at 09:14 AM |
Wow, nice looking diff. I have a Quaiffe in my street bug, that Truetrack looks similar but way smaller.
How did you find the 901 trans? Apart from too weak? Were the ratios as
you wanted/expected? Was the shift acceptable (I've owned 901's before but not used the trans in a Dub before)
I have one that I'm thinking of using in a split bus project, behind an aspo 2110 mild engine (maybe 150-170hp)
Matt Berry Motorsports...air cooled advice, repairs and mods Ph 0408 704 662

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posted on December 18th, 2014 at 11:11 AM |
Been playing in the rain today -- pulled the dual disc out and inspected it --

Got a little heat rash on it but not bad -- probably need to replace the discs and floater during the next year -- the floater and PP were perfectly
flat, Nice -- -- the discs were showing wear and according to Kennedy, I'm allowed a total of .030 wear before replacement or adjustments need to be
made -- Stopped at Clutch Masters in Rialto CA (((they have a dual disc system using copper discs -- their system is about 50% more expensive than
Kennedys but includes a flywheel))) -- was talking about cleaning up the floater and PP - -- - but by dressing these 3 surfaces, it would of pulled
5-7 thou off each surface for a total of about .020 just in that, so then add in the wear that I've already got on the Discs, I'd would be out of
spec and would require machining the flywheel surfaces (both the wear and the surface where the PP bolts to keep everything in tolerance) -- -- It
just goes on LMAO -- so said screw it, I've got no issues with it grabbing now, so will let it run for now until I replace everything
I got the trans back this afternoon from BENCO with the LSD by truetrack installed -- need to check with truetrack to see if it requires any special
oil, but because it has no clutches I don't think so,, going to check to make sure before I screw it up LOL
Then start putting everything back together -- still debating about moving the oil cooler to the front of the car -- need to run the lines and stuff
-- the STUFF is never ending LOL
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posted on December 19th, 2014 at 03:40 AM |
Thanks for the tip -- Vararacing.com
Vintage Auto Racing Association -- -- I'm thinking most of the VW stuff will be Formula V's ---- But I'll look into it
They are having their annual meeting at a location I've been dying to see,,, might have to go to this
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posted on December 19th, 2014 at 04:32 AM |
Seriously Crusin Dubber

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posted on December 19th, 2014 at 04:41 AM |
Quote: | Originally
posted by matberry
Wow, nice looking diff. I have a Quaiffe in my street bug, that Truetrack looks similar but way smaller.
How did you find the 901 trans? Apart from too weak? Were the ratios as
you wanted/expected? Was the shift acceptable (I've owned 901's before but not used the trans in a Dub before)
I have one that I'm thinking of using in a split bus project, behind an aspo 2110 mild engine (maybe 150-170hp)
Hey -- sorry I missed your post -- I hated the dog leg 1st gear in it for street driving, but everybody I know loved them for track -- I have/had a
bunch of different gears to try for 4th and 5th looking for something that take the car up into the 175 MPH range for doing land speed stuff -- I'm
guessing that I broke the main shaft in it pulling away from a stop sign very easily, I know I didn't break 1st gear which everybody thought I would,
do to it being a cantilevered design... I have given the trans to a friend and he is planning to rebuild it and put it in a '59 Fiat 600 which he is
back halving with ACVW engine which will quite similar to my old Fiat

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posted on December 22nd, 2014 at 10:06 AM |
Ranney sent me this
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posted on December 23rd, 2014 at 08:59 AM |
Seriously Crusin Dubber

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posted on December 28th, 2014 at 11:34 AM |
Order your Turbo lag shirt today -- they'll be printing them soon
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posted on December 29th, 2014 at 02:37 PM |
Fiatdude's Words of Wisdom -- -- # 124,326
When getting yer chit powder coated -- -- ALWAYS get it ALL done at the same time -- not 3-4 months apart

The bad news is, it was together for about an hour before I noticed there was something wrong LMAO
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posted on December 31st, 2014 at 04:15 PM |
Hello from Sunny California
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posted on January 4th, 2015 at 09:48 AM |
Today was a great day -- I got to tour the Malloy Collection in the AM and then go to the Hero's show hosted by DKK-----
The Malloy Collection has some great early Sprint cars, Indy cars and other Road cars -- I took over 70 pictures here are a few

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posted on January 4th, 2015 at 09:54 AM |
He also had a great collection of vintage helmets from very famous drivers

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