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    [ Total Views: 4514 | Total Replies: 0 | Thread Id: 99749 ]
    Author: Subject:  Rancho transaxle sale
    A.k.a.: Alan Agyik
    23 Windows of Awesome
    DAS Resto Haus


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    posted on November 19th, 2012 at 09:38 PM
    Rancho transaxle sale

    For anyone in the market for a new gearbox, we have slashed our prices on almost all current stock Rancho transaxles.

    In future we will only be stocking the Pro Street boxes with 3.88 ring and pinions (IRS and swing), and hence everything else is on a one-off sale. These won't be reordered so don't miss out. 


    Mods feel free to move this to the weekly deal section - we do sponsor the site but I don't have access to post in that section unfortunately?

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