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    [ Total Views: 3680 | Total Replies: 0 | Thread Id: 99940 ]
    Author: Subject:  VW VOLKSWAGEN Beetle , Karmann Ghia SERVICE MANUAL 1966 - 1969
    Commited Dubber

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    posted on December 3rd, 2012 at 02:49 PM
    VW VOLKSWAGEN Beetle , Karmann Ghia SERVICE MANUAL 1966 - 1969

    VW VOLKSWAGEN Beetle , Karmann Ghia SERVICE MANUAL 1966 - 1969
    By Bentley Publishers

    Publisher`s notes:

    This Volkswagen Type I service manual covers Beetles, Super Beetles, VW Convertibles and Karmann Ghias for the model years 1966 through 1969. This manual was created specifically to cover air-cooled Volkswagen models built for sale in the United States and Canada.

    Have a look on Ebay 

    Technical features:

    The Volkswagen Beetle and Karmann Ghia Official Service Manual Type 1: 1966-1969 features wiring diagrams (including 6-volt systems), convertible top repair, carburetor rebuilding (30 PICT-1 and 30 PICT-2) and comprehensive year and model specifications and troubleshooting tables.

    New durable hardcover format - This manual is now being published as a durable, long-lasting hardcover book designed to withstand frequent use in a professional shop or home garage. All of the content of the previous softcover edition is included.

    Technical highlights:

    Full data and instructions for all major repairs on engines, clutches, and transmissions
    Rebuilding and adjusting the carburetor for maximum economy and reduced exhaust emissions
    How to rebuild disc and drum brakes for safer stops with older cars
    Taking the play out of worn front ends and steering gears
    How to align front and rear wheels for reduced tire wear and lower rolling resistance
    Troubleshooting, replacing, or repairing every component of the electrical system-with full wiring diagrams for every model
    Complete specifications and instructions for money-saving tune-ups
    Spark advance curves that will help you spot fuelwasting, worn-out distributors
    Do-it-yourself body repairs that help keep older bugs looking new
    Plus the comprehensive Volkswagen factory tolerances, wear limits, adjustments and tightening torque specifications that you've come to expect from Bentley manuals.

    Price $ 70.00

    Calculated according to your location

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