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[ Total Views: 5628 | Total Replies: 0 | Thread Id: 99966 ]
Beetle Roof Rack
Vintage Speed
Vintage Speed Roof Rack For that Retro look and feel.
The rack rails are precision designed and laser-cut from stainless steel by CAD, and, polished as well as tig-welded to “show” standards. The rack
base is made-up of equal length, vertically arranged varnished pine rods. The ensemble is contoured for a more ergonomic roof fit, and is quite
aerodynamic, yielding little or no wind resistance.
Not suitable for canvas roof Beetles
Rack comes with stainless steel nuts and bolts as well as protective pads for the rack base and roof eave hooks
Another top quality product from our friends at Vintage Speed "The ACE of aircooled"
Price $539.00