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Author: Subject:  In WA older Subi engines are OK
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posted on December 24th, 2005 at 09:38 AM
In WA older Subi engines are OK

I have just received some good news from the Vehicle Standards Section of Motor Registry in Welshpool.

I am re-building a Meyers Manx SR (see ) onto a newly shortened pan, so I am building an Individually Constructed Vehicle (ICV) and the 2004 ADRs have been inflicted on me.

I recently bought a 1992 Subaru EJ20 single cam, non-turbo engine, (to keep the weight down and to keep it simple) with 100,065 klicks on the odometer, out of an imported front cut, for a good price, only to be told on the phone to Welshpool, while discussing another subject, that it is too old and that they prefer if an engine is no older tha 5 years.

I sent a letter to Reno Marchesi asking for them to permit me to fit the older engine, if it complies with ADR37/00 and the response is that I can, if it complies.

"Oh joy! Oh rapture unforseen. For now the sky is all serene."

Mike Sharp in Qld says that there they want the engine to be no more than 1 year old. I now wonder if that is enforcable.

Anyway I'm OK, so if you want to fit an older engine to an ICV, plead your case and with a little luck, you may be able to do it.
Compulsive Aussie Vee Dubber

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posted on December 25th, 2005 at 12:20 AM

Now the only way to date a subaru motor with out it being in the car is to remove the oil cap in side the cap there will be a date ( ie ) >>>> 2 ( 1992 )

Last week I was told I needed a baby seat fixing ( mount ) on my trike !
Now if you pay them $16.66 cents you dot need to worry about it .

Some of the new adrs are just dam silly

speedo needs to be 6 numbers following by a rolling number , most motor bike speedos are 5 followed by the rolling number .

So I gave them another $16.66 for that .

The guy that went over my Trike was very good , he asked me lots of ? and I told him more about the adrs than he know him self .After going over the trike he was very impressed and asked if he could go for a ride to check the brakes out .Sure thing I told him > have you been on a trike before I asked ? yes he told me > have you been on a trike with a Subaru EJ20 quad cam motor in the rear with a auto ? NO ! putting on his open face helmet.

1/2 an hour later he arrives back at the pits with a grin from ear to ear .

Can I go again he asked . I reply that will be $16.66cents SIR ~!

The number plate MISTRES was put on that day


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posted on December 26th, 2005 at 08:19 AM

Congratulations Neil. Mistres is a beautiful trike. You have reason to be very proud of yourself. Richard.
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posted on December 27th, 2005 at 10:30 PM

Mistres is one fine looking machine, you should definitely be proud. Your hard work and knowledge of Subaru conversions has definitely payed off! :thumb

[ Edited on 27-12-2005 by MISS_VDUB ]

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