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[ Total Views: 849 | Total Replies: 3 | Thread Id: 50607 ]
Author: Subject:  ppg liquid crystal ???
A.k.a.: Ian
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posted on April 5th, 2006 at 04:18 PM
ppg liquid crystal ???

I am looking at using the liquid crystal from the vibrance range from ppg. The one that i am thinking of using is called diamonds and shall be sprayed over a bright orange apparntley it is suppose to make it sparkle considerably while not affecting the colour ie. turning it bronze. I am wanting the end result to have the vibrant and clean orange. Just wondering if any anyone knows about this product or has used or even seen cars done with it. It is not really that cheap so dont really want to buy a whole bottle just to try it and dont like the effect that it gives. Any advice would be great. cheers
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posted on April 5th, 2006 at 06:18 PM

hay mate sory i didnt ring u am keen on spindels say no more u2u me
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posted on April 5th, 2006 at 07:07 PM

ive used it heaps of times but we get alot of people wanting the prizmatic affect which is a rainbow glitter.

1st up you put your color down get coverage, the add the diseird amount of cyrstal effect to your clear, and put on an even coat, of you find its now "sparkley: enough for you apply another coat. then apply 2 coats of clear over it (i say 2 just so you have something to chop or buff if needed)

its kool stuff :tu:

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posted on April 5th, 2006 at 07:57 PM

cheers pyro i have had a look at the prizmatique effect on a sample but that is not quite what i am after it is pretty full on. Just wanting it to sparkle and shimmer in the sun not so much to change colour.

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