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[ Total Views: 926 | Total Replies: 2 | Thread Id: 70177 ]
Author: Subject:  Kombi wheel arches
Commited Dubber

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posted on July 2nd, 2008 at 05:03 PM
Kombi wheel arches

Hi guys, I'm just in the middle of a front end rebuild on my bus. Since most of it is currently appart I thought it would be a good time to fix a couple of rust patches and give it a respray. I know this might be a bit hard without a photo, but if I get into it with a strip it disc, should I remove the seam sealant? If I plan on spraying sikaflex tar under there, do I only need to prime and seal first? At what point do I use the seam sealant, after the primmer and sealer, but before the tar? I guess my only other thought is should I just skip the tar and go with satin Black? Thanks...
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posted on July 2nd, 2008 at 05:55 PM

Prime, seam seal, body deadener, light coat primer, paint.

Make sure all products are compatible with each other, check manufacturers specifications and directions for use. There are hundreds of products and brands, and not everyone has mixed all of them, so it can be hit and miss unless you have a guide.

The paint supplier should have someone knowledgeable and experienced. If not, then again check the compatibility of products. Nothing worse than seeing cracking paint or body deadener hours after application because of incompatibility or not allowing enough drying time.

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posted on July 25th, 2008 at 04:59 PM

Thanks for the reply Helbus, computer has been down for a few weeks. Great advice, off to Care Distributors in Adelaide next week. It's good to have some idea about what to ask them without looking like a complete ////head.:lol:

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